The school year is getting shorter and so it my attention span in classes.
We all know how it goes: you're trying really hard to pay attention to your professor as they drone on about some concept you know will be on the exam, but for some reason all you can hear is the Charlie Brown adult voice as you start to zone out.
And when I zone out, I ask myself questions.
No, not meaningful questions that might help me pass the class I'm sitting in, but completely nonsensical questions that have nothing to do with anything but always seem extremely pressing. So, here are some of the questions that just happened to pop into my mind today.
1. Which "New Girl" character would I be?
I ask myself this question often. And, let me tell you, there are a ton of great online quizzes that are bringing me closer to an answer.
2. When people first discovered oranges and bananas, did they try to eat the peel?
This is a serious question! How long did it take people to figure out that certain fruits are meant to be peeled?
3. What time do I have to go to bed tonight in order to get the recommended 8 hours of sleep?
I basically start thinking about going back to sleep as soon as I wake up in the morning. I can't help the fact that I love my bed.
4. What is the meaning of life?
Just some casual existentialism to digest with your morning coffee.
5. How is Lady Gaga ONLY 5'2?
If you didn't know that Lady Gaga is only 5'2, now you do. Weird, isn't it? But as a fellow 5'2 person, I find it extremely inspirational that Lady Gaga and I are the same height. I just don't understand how someone so badass is so short.
6. Do people still judge me for that one time I did that one thing in sixth grade?
If you don't contemplate all the weird things you've done in your life and wonder if people still think about you as that weird person who did that weird thing, then you're the weird one.