Last week I was forced to go to Walmart twice in one day. It was absolutely dreadful, but an evil necessity. I needed groceries on the first trip, and shopped for an upcoming BBQ on the second. I spent a total of three hours in Walmart that day. It was two hours and fifty-nine minutes too long. I had several thoughts run through my head. I wished I would've gone to Target by the time I left. Walmart might have better prices, but I don't know if it was worth it.
1. Why am I here?
I ask myself this 100 times why I'm at Walmart. Do I really need to be here? Can I get this stuff at Target?
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2. Why are they out of *insert item I need*?
It never fails that Walmart is out of at least one item that I need. I probably went specifically for it, and they are out of stock.
3. Why are people so rude?
Some times its the workers and sometimes it the other shoppers. Either way, someone is always rude.
4. Why would you wear that out of the house?
I've never understood why people think it's fine to wear whatever they want to shop at Walmart. However, I do love the people of Walmart pictures.
5. Do they only have four cashiers?
It seems like every time I go to finally check out, only a handful of registers will be open. It's really annoying when I'm standing all the way in the clothes.
6. Why is there no where to park?
The Walmart parking lot is one of my least favorite places ever. People can't drive and there are never any spots open.
7. Why would they sell this?
Walmart has a habit of selling some weird stuff sometimes. It's the stuff you find on clearance in a month.