We go to great lengths trying to explain our being and existence, but how do we really feel about ourselves and what exactly activates these thoughts? Why do we do the things we do?
It is said the conscious mind controls our brain only 5% of the day; whereas the subconscious mind has a hold of our thoughts 95% of the time. Have you ever wondered why your words didn't match your actions? Yes, in most cases actions speak louder than words, however thoughts are in fact the building blocks of it all. It has been proven that your thoughts cause biological and physiological effects. Your body responds to mental input as if it were physically real. So when searching for true answers you need to reach the subconscious mind.
The main reason why the subconscious mind processes most of the information received is because the conscious mind isn't powerful enough to process the billions of bits of information being received all at once. Since the unconscious mind is such a major component in how you behave and experience reality, you must learn to acknowledge it instead of fearing it. By becoming aware of unconscious compulsive behaviors, it will become easier to address and even control these unwanted behaviors.
When addressing matters of the brain, there are no clear concrete answers. There will always be questions. There is no secret formula or equation to magically make one self-aware. What is clear, however, is that consciousness is formed by external stimuli, to which we are exposed throughout life. By taking steps to examine one's own behavior, you discover the reasons why certain things trigger strong emotional responses, and why some unconscious defense mechanisms may be developed.
I compel you to reach into your subconscious and dig deeper to see what really propels you to do the things you do. Are you scared to find out the truth concerning you? Self-awareness is about understanding your own needs, desires, failings, habits, and everything else that makes you YOU. How we think of ourselves might be the single biggest determinant of how we feel in general. So how do you see you? Answer questions as subjectively as possible.
1. Do you think you're transparent? Is transparency a good thing?
Are you easy to read. Do you wear your emotions on your sleeve.
2. How often do you say what you mean? How often do you mean what you say?
Do you always speak up when something is on your mind. Do you speak too fast and regret what comes out.
3. Are you scared? Do you know what you're afraid of?
Just think about that...
4. Do you trust you with yourself?
How often do you trust your own decisions. Are you constantly reconsidering your actions and thoughts, or do you always feel content with the outcome.
5. Do you find yourself thinking more about the past or the future?
6. How would you rate your consideration for others? (On a scale 1-10)
7. Are you emotional? Do you know the specific feelings you are experiencing?
No one is born with self awareness. It is an evolved trait that allows you to understand other people, and how they perceive you, your attitudes, and your responses. What matters most is how we see ourselves. Not with intentions of selfishness, but of self-awareness. How can we help the world if we don't know how to help ourselves? As we learn more about the reasons why we think, feel, and act as we do, we are given the power to make better choices.