As with life, there are definitely pros and cons of riding the train. Despite the annoyances that MTA can bring amongst New Yorkers, I have to say that riding the train also has it's perks. I'm grateful to be able to travel from Brooklyn to any other borough for $2.75 (hoping that it doesn't go up to $3.00).
1. Just by a second.
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So you've had a rough morning (bad hair day, spilled your coffee, etc.) and you finally get to the train station. The second you walk up or down the stairs, you see the door close and the train disappear into the direction you should be going. It's pretty heart-wrenching right? Does that situation always happen to you when you're in a rush? Yeah, me too.
2. Nope. Try again.
Swiping more than once is just a pain especially when the train station is crowded.
3. Talent on the train.
New York City is filled with a great deal of talent and exuberance. From the acrobats to musicians to marionettes. These people are so talented and committed regardless of the looks and recognition they may not get. All I have to say is kudos to them.
4. "Ladies and gentleman we are being held momentarily by a train's dispatcher" and "We are delayed because of train traffic."
The two sentences that no one wants to hear. Following that message the train is filled restless individuals who just want to get to their destination (including myself).
5. It's just a seat.
After a long day, a seat on a train is exactly what everyone needs. However, it doesn't always work that way. In many circumstances, someone beats you to a seat and then you're stuck standing, hoping that someone gets off at the next stop.
6. Local Local
If needed, everyone tries to get on the express train for the simple fact that it's faster than the local. Nevertheless, sometimes you are in such a rush that you can't wait and you hop on the local train. Everything's running smoothly until *BAM* the intercom announces that the local train will be running local local (as my friends and I call it). Local Local means more stops, a longer wait time which then becomes a later arrival. The worst!
7. How beautiful.
NYC is beyond breathtaking at night. When you're on the train and over the bridge overlooking the city lights, you start to think maybe this isn't so bad.