Students at Virginia Tech pretty much love Virginia Tech. We're pretty much inclined to say that ever since we first accepted, and it's not hard at all to say that Virginia Tech is home. But what is home? Home is where you can cry and not give a damn.
There are a few places on campus where I've let out a tear or had an emotional breakdown.
1. In class.
In a big lecture hall or a small classroom of 15 people... just let it out. You just got a bad grade on a test or you're having a mid-college life crisis. It's OK. We've all been there. I'll pass you a tissue or probably just look at you funny (but no judgment).
2. On your way to class.
I can't count how many times I've called my mom on my way to class and I'm about to burst out in tears. From stress over an exam, project, or catty people that belong in high school, this is probably the most times where I've cried.
3. In Turner Place (or any dining hall really).
Similar to taking naps here, I sometimes cry here. Partly because I'm pissed off that day and can't find a seat because of the 7,000+ freshmen (not bitter at all) but also because of stress again.
4. Newman Library.
Everyone else cries here so why not? #solidarity You're in the library at 2 a.m., surrounded by overworked stressed out college students. You're crying on the phone to your mom. Just do it.
5. The Blacksburg Transit.
And you best not give a damn about those srat girls in a pack staring at you. Just do it, like what I've been saying. You're walking from class (see #2) and you're still not done letting it all out. You're on the bus, waiting to get home so you can bawl even more cuddling up with your body pillow in the safety of your own home, but let out some tears while riding the big bus.
6. In office hours.
I mean, if your professor cares just let it out. It's totally professional and casual.
7. Torg Bridge
It's quiet and people can barely hear the muffled tears over your engineering exam.
*Bonus: my sorority house
Happy midterm week!