My sister and I are close in age but we haven’t always been close as sisters. Growing up we often resented each other since we shared in a lot of the same experiences and responsibilities. Now that we’ve both had at least a year away from each other at college we came home this summer to find that distance really does make the heart grow fonder. Now that she is about to go back to her respective school (A WHOLE TIME ZONE AND SEVEN HOUR DRIVE AWAY FROM ME) and I to mine, I’m dreading the day I’ll have to say good-bye until the holidays roll around. These are the stages of grief I am experiencing at the moment.
1. Wait, it’s already August?
The summer flew by and now school’s starting and the day of my sister’s departure is quickly approaching.
2. YES! Freedom!
No more sister. No more sharing a car. No more nuisance.
3. Wait, no. I’m not letting you leave.
I shall hold onto your legs, that way you can’t go. That always works, right?
4. Take me with you.
One, you’re getting to go back earlier than me and I am jealous because I want to go back to school too. Two, I’m going to have separation anxiety and I will miss you so, just let me come along.
5. Don’t forget me.
Here, you can take my nail polishes. Here are seven different colors so you have options and so you can always look at your fingers and be reminded you have a sister.
6. Quality time.
I hope you know I’ll be attached to your hip for the next few days leading up to your departure. Deal with it.
7. Tears. So many tears.
I may not cry in front of you but you better believe the ugly cry will emerge once you leave. I’ll miss you.
Not everyone is as blessed as I am to be so close with their sibling. I am going to miss you when you leave. Have a good time at school and I’ll see you at Thanksgiving! Love you!