Listen up fellas, you may think it would be amazing to date a girl who wakes up early, goes running, lifts weights, and eats kale all day long, but the truth is, where is the fun in that? The real fun is finding a ride or die girl who is down for any fun time, as long as food is included.
1. Every day is #TacoTuesday
Wether it is Monday or Thursday, your girl is down for Tacos. Chipotle, Moes, Taco Bell, DIY, you name it, and she's there. Probably faster than you can count how many Tacos she will consume.
2. Midnight fast food runs are always an option.
3. She won't eat your fries, she will just order her own.
4. She's the best damn cook.
5. She isn't afraid to get down and dirty
These girls are not afraid of some baby back ribs or sloppy joe sauce getting on their face, they embrace it! Save the wipes and bibs for the wimps, these girls are on the prowl.
6. You probably won't argue about where to eat.
That whole conversation of "I don't care where we eat" won't happen with these girls. If they are hungry, (and they are), they will have no problem telling you where to take them for dinner. And the place will probably know them by name.
7. She'll never be Hangry...Just Kidding!
Who are we kidding, girls who eat whatever they want are sometimes even hangrier than girls who watch what they eat. When they are hungry, they mean business, and nothing will stand in their way. Let's face it, that burrito will always be more appealing than you. #SorryNotSorry