This has been the year of the meme, and we all know that is going to lead to some terrible Halloween costumes. There are so many bad costumes out there, and if we all come together as one, we can finally rid the world of these truly horrific costume ideas. Here are the ones at the top of the list.
1. This Sexy Ken Bone Costume.
I really don’t understand this. To be honest, I don’t even
want to know why this is a thing. I don’t even actually know who Ken Bone is
(sorry). Sometimes I get the whole “make traditionally not attractive
characters attractive costumes,” but this is just too much.
2. This example of bad parenting.
This poor child is going to see this photo 10 years from now
and be more embarrassed than anyone in their entire life. I’m not going to lie
though, it is kind of funny.
3. This horrible costume.
I don’t think I need to explain what’s wrong with this one.
I just want to know where his parents are.
4. This attempt at Homer Simpson.
I mean, the point of Halloween is to scare people. And he
has succeeded. I am very scared.
5. This truly horrific costume.
I have no words. I’m not really sure what to think of this
6. This Sexy Osama Bid-Laden.
These aren’t even funny at this point. I’m more disturbed at
the fact that Osama Bin-Laden is being sexualized than anything else.
7. This attempt at our favorite underground ninjas.
My costume probably won’t be much better, but I am going to try very hard to not be this bad.