Trump supporters have their own very interesting opinions on a lot of different issues. While some of this 'information' may be common knowledge in their world, it's news to the rest of us. Below you'll find actual statements that came from actual people that think Trump is making America great again.
1. “Trump is a genius for avoiding paying taxes.”
statement is wildly ridiculous. Taxes support the public by paying for services such as roads and infrastructure improvement, the salaries of
servicemen and women, and other necessary projects. Trump avoided paying about
50 million dollars a year over 18 years. Think of all the good that money
could’ve done, yet trump kept it to himself. Genius? No. Selfish? Yes. If we all acted like this, we'd be living in a state of chaos.
2. “The Presidency is a man’s job.”
When asked why she believed this one Trump supported her opinion with the “evidence” that women are more emotional than men and would lead us into unnecessary wars. She clearly has science on her side, and how can I argue against that?
3. “So what if he [Trump] wants to grab p***y, I wanna grab p***y”
I think it’s important to recognize p***y is not a free floating idea, but a part of a woman with a name and the right to be respected.
Also, just to be clear not all men speak like that and if you conduct "locker room talk" outside of a locker room, the problem is you, not your location.4. “Hillary Clinton contracted AIDS from Bill’s affair with Magic Johnson.”
Why base your beliefs on facts when you can use crazy conspiracies?
5. “Barack Obama had a big part in 9/11 because he was always on vacation and never in the office.”
That’s really strange that President Obama was missing from the Oval office seven years before he was elected. What could be more important? Where was he??
6. "One man's sexual assault is another man's flirtation."
If that's not reasonable what is?
7. “Gay couples shouldn’t have equal rights because it isn’t fair to the regular couple that worked so hard. The gay couple wants more.”
Interviewer: When you say more, do you mean equal?
Trump Supporter: “Well, yeah”
Interviewer: And that’s just too much?
Trump Supporter: “Yeah.”
8. “Extreme nations don’t treat women with respect. That’s an American Ideal.”
Now this is a opinion I can get behind. Women should be treated with respect. Yet it seems a little strange that the man who said this was wearing a shirt that read, “Hillary sucks, but not like Monica.” He was unable to see the irony even when asked about the back of his shirt as he yelled, “Trump that B**ch!”