It's your last year of 'dreaded' high school. You're excited to move on to secondary education and create a future for yourself, but you can't help but look back and see everything you will miss.
1. You Realize You Probably Will Not See Your Graduating Class Again.
The people you stand with at your graduation ceremony you may never see again. Your paths may go complete opposite ways, and you will only be left with memories of them.
2. Your Teachers Were Trying To Help You This Entire Time.
Based on the work they give you, you may believe otherwise, but your teachers want to see you succeed and go onto better things, especially after high school. They weren't trying to give you a hard time, they were setting you up to be a successful man/woman.
3. If You Missed School Events, Now Is The Time You Will Regret It.
From small dances to Prom, if you chose not to go to these events, you will regret it when you realize you cannot go back and experience those moments. Even if you believe you will not have fun, it is better to go and experience it for yourself.
4. The Drama You Were Involved In Will Just Be Laughed At.
In your sophomore year of high school, you fought with people you hardly even knew. As you stand beside them in your graduation ceremony you will realize that everybody was just trying to get by and that the drama doesn't matter after it happens.
5. The Work You Left Unfinished Because You Didn't Think It Mattered, Matters.
You may think that unfinished, small assignments will not affect your grades too much throughout the semester, but it definitely will. When you are applying for secondary education and you look at your transcripts one last time, you may look at your grade and immediately regret not finishing assignments.
6. Your Best Friend Is Growing Up.
On the day of your graduation, you will suddenly realize that your best friend is growing up in front of your eyes and that he/she will be creating themselves a future as well. You may drift apart, but best friends are always connected by the heart.
7. You Are No Longer A Teenager.
From the time you started high school, at around age fourteen, you have grown quite a lot into a 17/18-year-old adult. You are no longer a teenager, you can no longer make tons of plans in the summertime with your friends. You will need to get a job and start your life. Nothing will be given to you on a silver platter.
Although you may hate high school, you definitely will miss it one day.