I have decided to make a list of New Year's resolutions, not just for myself, but for anyone that is thinking about bettering themselves in 2017. These are also helpful if you just need some random ideas for what you can do as well as some suggestions to follow through on that resolution that so few people actually do.
1. Start Wearing Sunscreen
I never, I repeat, never, wear sunscreen, mostly because I don't burn so I never think about the other effects this has on my skin. I'm making this a personal resolution to wear more sunscreen this year so I don't develop premature wrinkles or, you know, cancer. Plus, it's never too late to start making this a habit if you don't already. Invest in good sun protection because the longer you wait, the more you'll regret it.
2. Eating Healthier
I feel like this is a resolution for like 90% of the population, but nobody ever actually achieves it because we live in a society constantly surrounded by cheap junk food and convenient fast food places. Switching over to a healthier diet can be easier by making sure you always have groceries at home. I know the hardest part for me and my roommates to eat healthy is a lack of having food in our kitchen, so come eight p.m. when we're ready for dinner we realize the only thing we have is boxed Mac&Cheese and cereal. Knowing what you're putting into your body and controlling emotional eating are some other things that can help you achieve a healthier diet.
3. Travel To At Least One New Place
This year, I did manage to check this one off my New Year's resolution list, and I'm adding it back on again because exploring new places is definitely an experience that I believe everyone should have. A way of achieving this is to make a plan to study abroad because that's an easy way of emerging yourself into a culture while also still crossing some credits off your graduation requirements. If studying abroad isn't an option for you then there are plenty of other places to go to if you're on a tight budget. There's camping or hiking in different parts of your state or surrounding states that don't cost much at all. As long as you've never been there before it constitutes as a new place.
4. Read More
When I was younger I use to love reading, but once I got to college the amount of free time I had decreased. I'm making it another personal resolution to read at least one new book per month. If you want to add this to your list as well, then one way to accomplish it is to read a few chapters before bed rather than watch Netflix.
5. Stop Being Late All The Time
This is something that was on my resolution list when I was 16 and first got a license, but I'm putting this on the list for those of you that are late to everything and would like to fix it in 2017, like my mom. Punctuality is a virtue and being on time is the mark of a professional and respected person. It might be a good idea to pick up some habits that'll help keep you on time. One being to keep your planner or calendar updated and set timers or reminders on your phone for 10 minutes before you're actually suppose to leave.
6. Meet New People
Meeting new people can be beneficial in many ways. Generally, when we get into a rut we sit at home and watch Netflix or do other boring things, but what people don't really think about is the opportunity cost, you're missing out on a lot of interesting opportunities to network and have fun with new people. Reaching out and meeting new people is beneficial to both your mental well-being as well as helping further along your future career. Overcome shyness and go meet new people.
7. Give Someone a Compliment Everyday
This might be difficult some days, but there is always something worth applauding. Tell someone how much you appreciate them, you never know who's day you're going to make.