Resolutions are hard. You want to become a better person in the new year, but a lot of the goals you'll make you'll either follow through for a week and give up, or you'll say you'll start them but never will. Plus, everyone has the same resolutions of going to the gym more, starting a new diet, or cutting out bad habits/people. Usually, these resolutions always have something to do with making a change of who you are or your lifestyle. Why do New Years resolutions have to be a about changing yourself? Why can't New Years resolutions be about setting up fun and interesting activities for yourself in the new year, and if they end up changing you for the better, great! Here are some easily achievable New Years Resolution Activity ideas. After all, it's all about the journey and not the destination right?
1. Keep a journal.
You can achieve this in a lot of different ways. You don't have to write in it everyday, and who says it even has to be a journal? It could be a Wreck it Journal, a sketch pad, a Burn Book, a vlog, or whatever you want it to be. The idea is to have something to express your feelings in, and one day look back on the memories you logged down.
2. Learn something you've always wanted to learn.
We all have that one thing we've always wanted to try and learn but never had either the time or money to learn it. It could be something like learning to play the piano, karate, or knitting. What's stopping you from learning something new? And if you don't like it, at least you tried it and you can say you tried. If you like it, then you have a new hobby or talent!
3. Surprise someone you care about.
Doing kind acts for others can be the most rewarding feeling in the world. Especially, if this person means a lot to you. It can be extravagant like taking your mom on a surprise vacation or throwing a surprise party for a friend. Or it can be something small yet meaningful like getting someone flowers or ordering them a pizza. Surprising someone you care about not only makes you feel good but also the other person. Everyone likes being thought of every once in a while.
4. Plan a fundraiser.
While we're on the topic of doing things for other people, fundraising is another rewarding thing that benefits all involved. Helping out people in need is something that will impact you for a long time. Pick a charity, cause, or person you would like to support and create a fundraiser for them. It could be a walk, a clothing/food drive, a barbecue, or whatever you think will bring in a lot of money or awareness for your cause. Helping others in need really is a spectacular feeling.
5. Do something unplanned and spontaneous.
I've discovered that the adventures you go on with no direction or plan are the most fun. All you need to do is wake up with an idea and do it. Go to the city and walk around until you find something to do, go on a road trip, go visit an old friend. Do something that requires planning but don't plan it.
6. Have a day that is just for you.
Unlike #5, this one might require some planning. Set aside one day to do whatever it is you want to do. Do things that make you happy. Go to your favorite place to eat, see a show, paint a picture, or just sit at home and do nothing. Basically, just throw yourself a "Treat Yourself Day". You've earned it.
7. Genuinely say "I love you" everyday.
You never know if the last time you see someone you care about is actually the last time you see them. Make sure you remind someone in your life that you love them. Maybe it's your parent, someone you haven't spoken to in a long time, or a bottle of wine at the end of a horrible long day just always make sure you remind your loved ones that you love them.