I'm sure most of us have heard of or watch "Adventure Time." The episodes are really fun and short, and if you haven't watched it I recommend that you do.
Fionna reminds us that we must be confident and proud of who we are. We shouldn't have to rely on other people's approval to feel validated. A lot of people rely on Instagram 'likes' to feel like they're good enough. But we don't have to "[wait] to be noticed." We should notice ourselves and appreciate ourselves physically and mentally. It also doesn't hurt to compliment other people! I know when I compliment others it feels good to see them smile. Seriously, even strangers at the grocery store; they are often shocked but I think they still appreciate it. Don't forget to compliment yourself either.
Ignoring a problem is not a solution. I know often times I try to shut thoughts out, but talking about things can be very productive. Asking for help is never a bad idea either. It is sometimes difficult to keep a positive outlook but it can also be very helpful. We need to spend less time stressing and more time finding solutions. BMO reminds us that we must always try to find something positive within every situation. For example, in competition, losing should only be a motivator to work harder.
The media often focuses on physical beauty. Even the quirky book-loving characters tend to meet the traditional standards of beauty, they just add button-ups and glasses to actresses and actors people already find attractive. But Finn reminds us that there is so much more to beauty. Here is a list of adjectives that I believe make someone beautiful: funny, kind, open-minded, understanding, humble, knowledgeable, respectful, and so many more.
This quote by Jake stresses the idea that earning something can feel really good. Sometimes when things are easy they can be boring. Studying hard for a test and doing a good job can be extremely satisfying. Sometimes we forget that the feeling of success after hard work can be extremely satisfying.
The quote to this image is "Please! I need the real you!" This one goes hand in hand with the Finn quote regarding beauty. Sometimes we even become insecure about or brains (personalities and ideologies) so we pretend to be someone we are not. But at the end of the day there is only one you. One person who has lived you exact life become the unique individual you are, so why try to be someone else? If anything we should try to be the best versions of ourselves, not someone else. The people who truly appreciate you, will appreciate the real you. In fact, the real you is probably the version they like the most, and if they don't it is okay to move on from people.
We can't be good at everything right away. Practice is important. This can be applied to many things, academics, athletics, relationships, and many other things. Sometimes we are naturally gifted at math, music, running, etc. But we have to work hard to achieve the same level in other areas. It is okay to not be good at something, but what isn't okay is to give up because we are not successful the first moment we do something. Even if you are already good at something, imagine how much better you could be if you keep pushing for improvement.
Romantic love makes us do and feel silly things. But personally I appreciate those weird silly things. The way someone walks becomes the cutest thing. Having someone stand next to you becomes so satisfying. I think it allows us to dream different dreams. I think falling in love is important, even if it isn't with another person. Falling in love, allowing our brains to go all stupid is fun. Fall in love with music, the planet, the sky... it doesn't really matter. Embracing it is whats important, because when we mix in fear or other negative things it becomes jealousy or doubt. But we have to push that aside ad embrace it when our "brain goes all stupid" and let ourselves be happy! Like a baby falling in love with their blanket, they embrace it, and we can all admit they look very happy with their favorite fuzzy blanket.