As a mid- first semester sophomore in college, I have had my fair share of college classes, friends, and parties. Even though I am no longer a freshman, there are so many things that I continue to learn every day about college, and things I wish I knew prior to coming to school.
1. You will nap more than a baby naps.
There is not a day that I do not need a nap, even if I do not take one. College schedules can be so hectic that all you want to do when you get home is crash anywhere. Once I came home from class and was so exhausted that I could not even make it to my bed, and I passed out on the floor. #college
2. Not every weekend will be the most fun night of your life.
Some nights at college are a hit, and some nights are a miss. Coming into college, I assumed that every weekend would be the most insane, crazy, fun night of my life. Some nights will suck, but other nights will be so fun and make up for it; no night is the same in college.
3. Do not buy books before the class starts.
Do not, I repeat, do NOT make the same mistake I did and buy a $200 book a week before classes start, just to find out that it was optional, meaning that you most likely will never use it. It is not your fault, for being prepared, it is the professor's fault for encouraging you to waste money on a book that is virtually useless.
4. Do not wait until the last minute to study.
In high school, most people could get away with studying for a few hours the night before a test, and pulling out A's. However, in college if you do not study at least 4 or 5 days before the test, unless you are Einstein, you will not do as well as you did in high school.
5. Go to class!
Skipping class may sound like a good idea in theory, but in the week following skipping that class, you will be deeply regretting that decision when you have to know the material from a class that you simply did not attend. (It is even worse when you have no friends to give you to notes.)
6. Take advantage of your meal plan.
Eventually, you will not have a meal plan, and you will have to start being a real adult and try to make your own food. So take advantage of the pre-made food that the dining hall provides you with. No matter how bad it is, you literally don't have to do anything for this food, besides pay, of course.
7. Talk to everyone.
By this I mean make friends with as many people as you can. It is really cool walking around a huge campus like Delaware and seeing so many familiar faces. It makes the campus feel smaller and more like home.