It's no secret that college takes a major toll on the bank account, and the combination of homework, clubs, Greek life and countless other activities can leave little time for a job. Here are easy ways to save a little extra money while in college.
1. Keep a change jar.
It's like a piggy bank for grown-ups! Drop the extra change left in your pocket in a safe place every day and exchange it for cash every few months. It's AMAZING how much money a few quarters and dimes each day can add up to!
There are student discounts available for basically everything. Ordering food? Student discount. Online shopping for a date party dress? Student discount. Going out to a movie this weekend? Student discount. Here is a really great list of over 100 student discounts for a variety of places.
3. Beware of the university book stores.
Chances are you'll be paying way more there than you will online. Opt for renting used textbooks or buying the e-version from places like Amazon, Chegg or eCampus. You might have to search for the best deal, but it could save you tons of money.
4. Take advantage of FREE FOOD.
There are CONSTANTLY events happening on campus that feature free food. Take advantage of that. Free food is the best food.
5. Ditch the car.
Between paying for parking and buying gas, the cost of keeping a car at college can often outweigh the benefits. Take the bus when possible, carpool with friends, and beg your parents to come pick you up when necessary.
6. Stay in and save.
Going out is all fun and games until you check your bank account the next day. Instead of heading to the bar on Friday night, check out what's happening on campus. Chances are, your school, residence hall or a student organization is hosting a free movie screening, game night or something of the like.
7. Keep looking and applying for scholarships.
No, the madness did not end after your senior year of high school. As tedious as those essays might be, they pay off. Stay updated on opportunities within your school, community and look online.