It's that time of year again where the madness of college basketball takes over NCAA fans and even those who are only fans every March. Whether you're watching the games at home with friends, at a local restaurant or bar, or even with family, here are a few reactions you may see or even have yourself during those fatal wins and upsetting bracket busters:
1. "Did you see that shot!?"
2. "What happened to your team last night?"
3. When the teams in your championship are still standing strong for the Elite Eight.
4. One of your Final Four teams gets knocked the second round.
5. When your number 1 bracket of 5 is busted.
6. A game that could bust your bracket goes into overtime...
7. Lastly, by some chance, you predicted the NCAA Champ!
Good luck to everyone who has a bracket ready for March Madness. Remember, don't throw things at the TV in your own home, and don't be that obnoxious fan at Buffalo Wild Wings that every other customer hates!