More often than not, I see people stuck on the idea that the person they're supposed to be with is to have a list of these perfect features.
Features that sadly happen to be all physical or superficial. Looking for a man that has lots of money or a chiseled body or a woman that has a big booty but no cellulite is not going to keep you happy long term. I get it, the media, books, and even our own imaginations have a way of shaping the partner we MUST have. But lets get real here...we are human.
We all have our quirks, bad habits, and insecurities too. Follow these 7 keys for a strong and healthy relationship:
1. Building A Friendship
I know it's cliche, but for me this is the most important aspect of having a healthy relationship. Being in love with your best friend is the best feeling there is. It's someone you can be a total goof with, someone who you have insiders with and no matter how much time goes by, they get funnier. It's being able to pig out together at dinner and seeing one another at your worst, yet you still want to be around each other as often as you can.
2. Communication & Listening
Communication is a major key *DJ Khaled voice*. Having good communication is essential to having a healthy relationship. I've seen the damage, first hand, that comes from brushing things under the rug or just simply not communicating properly. This means talking to each other and not yelling over one another. Pushing your pride aside and listening to what your partner has to say, even if you might not agree with it. In order to move forward and grow, you both need to be able to talk about your feelings. No matter how uncomfortable, the good and the bad. Communication will make for a lasting relationship.
3. Quality Time, Not Quantity
Of course watching movies and your fave Netflix show together is awesome. There is nothing wrong with that, but you can't forget about spending real time with one another. Engaging and talking about simple things like how your day went at work or just getting to know each other is super important. I think people stop trying to get to know their partner & that puts hurting on relationships. You're not the same person you were last week. Make sure you're engaging and learning about your love often. My boyfriend and I keep our phones in our pocket or flipped over at dinner so that we can truly enjoy one another's company.
4. Alone Time
Spending time together with your partner is important and great. But just as important is spending time apart. Being able to do your own things and remain independent is vital. When couples spend too much time together, it can create an unhealthy co-dependence. Maintaining healthy boundaries and being able to do your own thing is very important.
5. Appreciation
Letting your SO know that you appreciate them is so important in a relationship. I had people tell me they appreciated their partner but forgot to say it or show it to them. Showing your special someone that you love them isn't hard and you should want them to feel loved and appreciated. A card, some flowers, words, etc are all ways you can let your honey know you appreciate them being yours !
6. Same Page
Let's face it, if you're not on the same wave length and have nothing in common, then
7. Reciprocity
This means that both people in the relationship are working on this special bond. If only one person is taking an interest, accepting and respecting,supporting, giving the benefit of the doubt, meeting the others' needs, providing positive interactions, and repairing ruptures in the relationship, then the relationship likely has larger problems that need to be explored. Being in a healthy relationship takes both people willing to work on it. It's like having a garden, you can plant the flowers, but if you plant them in the shade, don't water or trim the dead leaves, you'll end up with dead plants or in this case a dead relationship.
Now I know being in a relationship is not always chocolates and roses but it doesn't have to be an everyday battle either. Honestly, if you find yourself unhappy or stressed out more than you are happy and ready for the long haul with your special someone then maybe they aren't the one for you. Being in love has been one the greatest feelings to feel and give to someone else. Its humbling and enlightening to care for someone other than yourself.
I'm stoked to share my love with my special guy & with these 7 major keys you will be too!