Logo is the first impression of the website. It's extremely important to put everything in this first impression to make it a memorable one.
When designed smartly a logo can convey a brand's message without putting much effort.
It's not an easy task. But impressive visuals can help, and so does fonts.
Designing a logo is easy, you just must follow some set principles and your logo will turn out creative enough to stand out from your competitors.
Here are 7 rules of logo designing which can help you design a powerful, memorable, and effective logo.
Rule 1: Always Start with a good Story
Humans are hard-wired to relate with good stories. If there is a story behind your logo, your customers will try to relate the story with their personal life.
Not every logo has a story. But if you are serious about standing out, you need to create some fictional story instead. Or describe an event when you're brainstorming, and the idea started appearing in your mind. Put some humor, some spices of creativity and you have a perfect story.
Rule 2: Put Some Balance
Our minds are trained to find balance in everything.
Just like the story, the first thing that people will ask when they see your logo is the balance.
The colors, the typography, and the arrangement of elements of the logo, anything unusual will be marked as negative. You must keep balance in everything.
Since your logo will be viewed by everyone across the globe, it's important not to hurt the feelings of anyone is using anything which people might find offensive. Especially if there are certain colors and shapes which are not liked by your target market, it's better not to use them in the first place.
Rule 3: Size Matters
Your graphic designers might come up with a beautiful design. Before you pat them up, look if the size of the logo is correct.
Is the logo appearing okay on your mobile device? And with the same consistency logo is showing up on your laptop.
Most of the graphic designers make this mistake of designing a logo that fits good on one platform. But when the size of this logo is increased for a banner, pixels
Whether it's a website, or a TV commercial, or even an ad on Google Ads, your logo needs to be consistent in size. You can test the scale of your logo at a printing shop and make the necessary arrangements after that.
Rule 4: Smart Use of Colors
Do you know that there is an actual science behind the psychology of colors?
Colors are complex. But professional graphic designers and a smart logo design company know how to use colors to attract, engage and persuade customers.
The first thing that you need to keep in mind is that you need to use colors which are bright and leave a pleasing impression on your customers.
And yes, don't use too much bright colors because the logo should look good in black, white, and gray tone.
Know which colors alter the mood of people and use those colors in your logo. For instance, a red color invokes love, strength, and aggression.
When choosing the colors keep the feel of your brand in mind. How you want customers to feel about your brand? Use those colors that make them feel safe, secure, excited and help them to relate with your brand.
Rule 5: The Design Should Match the Branding
There are tons of designs that you can pick & choose for your logo but one important thing to consider is to choose a design that can go with your branding.
Clients assume that brands do the primary research work before they dig themselves in the design process.
Regardless of what your competitors are using if the trending design doesn't fit with your branding it's stupid to use that design.
Rule 6: Work Hard on Typography
It's not just about putting the right size of font out there. Your typography should trigger some emotions.
The way you use the tagline – it's placement, making it bold or italic. Sure, it will take some practice to learn this form of art, but once you do it will be easy for you.
The best approach is to use custom fonts for your logo. Because people are fed up with the conventional fonts. If you want to hold a special place in the eyes of the customer, make them feel exclusive by the fonts that you use.
Rule 7: Forget the Effects
Sure, there are tons of effects that you can apply on every banner, but that doesn't mean that you must use these effects on your logo.
Keep things simple. People tend to remember simple things. The shapes, the tagline, and even the effects that you use on your logo should be clean and simple.
To wrap things up. Ensure that you design a logo that can be talked about. That can be shared, and that can create a brand reputation for your brand.