During its critically-acclaimed seven season run, 30 Rock delighted audiences with its satire and surreal humor as it followed the lives of Liz Lemon and the cast and crew of an NBC sketch comedy show, “TGS with Tracy Jordan.” With the hysterical and ever-charming Tina Fey as Liz, the geeky, not-so-lucky-in-love protagonist, the show captures her daily struggles at work while searching for love.
From deadbeat boyfriends to even dating her third cousin, Liz has been through it all. Throughout the show, she clearly expressed her thoughts about love that all go through our heads, but we usually never say out loud. Here are seven spot on Liz Lemon quotes about love that are so true, it hurts.
1. When you are single for a long time and are tired of trying:
2. When you go through the “single-and-pretending-to-be-happy-about-it” stage in your life:
3. When you prefer food over people:
4. When you didn’t realize they were flirting because you’re still thinking about food:
5. When you try and flirt, but they don’t get the hint:
6. When you’re getting older and begin contemplating being social:
7. And, when you attempt to be more proactive with your love life, but the couch is calling your name:
Thank you, Liz Lemon, for being the voice for all of us hopeless romantics out there.