How I Met Your Mother has been one of my favorite shows since I was in middle school. Between the character development, the storyline, and and just the general concept behind the show, it’s been one I’ve been able to watch over, and over, and over again without it ever getting old. But one thing I really find great about the show, is behind the comedy and laughable situations there are real life lessons, that anybody, at any age could apply to their life! Whether that be relationship advice, advice about friends, or just words of wisdom you can apply throughout your day! Here are just a few that I have found to be the most helpful.
1. You can’t force destiny
“You can’t force destiny. If it’s gonna happen, it’s gonna happen.” -Ted
As much as sometimes we want to just skip to the end, find the person we’re supposed to be with, and settle down; Ted taught us that we have to wait it out. We can’t force destiny, if we wait patiently and just keep living life eventually we’ll find what we’re looking for.
2. Nothing good happens after 2 a.m.
“Kids, your grandma used to always tell me, ‘Nothing good happens after 2 a.m.,’ and she was right. When 2 a.m. rolls around. Just go home and go to sleep.” -Ted
The more I thought about this one, the more I realized how right Ted’s mom actually was. I can’t think of a single situation in my life where I was out past 2 a.m. and anything good happened. So take his mom’s advice, when 2 a.m. rolls around, just go home and go to sleep.
3. Long distance relationships hardly ever work
“Long distance is a lie teenagers tell each other to get laid the summer before college.” -Ted
I’m not going to say this is 100% true--but there’s definitely more truth to this than there is anything else.
4. There is never a bad time to use a Star Wars reference
“Think of me as Yoda, only instead of being little and green, I wear suits and am awesome. I’m your bro. I’m Broda.” -Barney
Okay, let’s be real. If you could tell me one situation where a Star Wars reference wouldn’t be appropriate I would be very impressed. But like we’ve learned from Barney...there is definitely never a bad time for a Star Wars reference.
5. There are somethings you will never get too old for
“Hey, Loser. How’s not playing laser tag? Because playing laser tag is awesome!” -Barney
I can only hope that while in my 30’s I’ll still be playing laser tag. I strongly believe that’s what the American dream truly is.
6. We don’t always end up where we thought we would be in life
“And that’s life, you know, we never end up where we wanted to be.” -Marshell
Life is a crazy thing. You can go to college expecting to go one way and by the time you graduate you’re headed somewhere in the opposite direction. We can graduate with the major we’ve wanted since middle school, but once you get thrown into the real world sometimes you have no choice but to do something else to support loved ones. And that’s life, all we can do is hold on tight!
7. Be an architect..?
“Dude, lots of chicks think architects are hot. Think about that, you create something out of nothing. You’re like God. There is no one hotter than God. -Barney
Okay I’m going to be honest, I’m not entirely sure how this will help you in life but I felt like this one had to make the list. So be an architect? Build things? Dress like Jesus?? I think the biggest thing to walk away with here is that there is nobody hotter than God.