New Girl is always a great go-to if you want a laugh, but can we actually learn from it? I think so! We've been able to watch Jess, Nick, Schmidt, Winston, Coach, and Cece show us how to deal (or how not to deal) with whatever life throws our way.
Opposites Attract But Don’t Necessarily *Get* Each Other
You Can Find Friends Anywhere
Maybe Craigslist isn’t the first place you should look for friends. But with all the social media platforms we have in the modern world, the friendship possibilities are kind of endless! Tumblr, Twitter, and even Tinder are all places you can make great friends without having to leave your room. Don’t discount the traditional places as well. If you’re an outgoing person, you probably have experienced leaving the grocery store or the post office with a new BFF.
Unhealthy Relationships With Your Cat Are Totally Normal
It’s hard not to treat your furry friend as your child. Sure, they can be annoying and pee on your bed or barf on your carpet, but at the end of the day, they’re there waiting for feed them.
It's Better To Cry It Out
Crying is cathartic! Sometimes we hold all our emotions in too long until finally we explode with emotion. If we let ourselves feel what we need to feel, then we can get over it faster and move on to brighter and better things!
The Risk Of Dating A Friend Could Be Totally Worth It
The best marriages are built on a foundation of friendship. Your partner will be just that—your support system and your confidant. And at the end of the day, you can have as many roses and chocolates as you want, but wouldn’t you rather fall asleep laughing at an inside joke that your best friend sleepily mumbled to you?
True American Is The Best Drinking Game Ever
Okay, okay, I’ve never played True American, but I don’t think experience is necessary to be confident that it is the most hilarious game ever made up. The shouting of presidents’ initials, numbers, and famous quotes...I think it’s safe to say you’re probably going to have a fun night. (Someone actually took the time to write out the instructions for the rest of us here here.)
The Best Way To Deal With Your Problems
Cry to Taylor Swift. Is there really any explanation necessary? T-Swift just gets us.
Love Yourself!It’s not conceited to think you’re awesome; you are! Embrace your awesomeness. Take a moment right now to celebrate yourself. Get your favorite ice cream, find a comfy spot, and re-watch your favorite episode of New Girl.