Turning 21 is a huge milestone for many.
I mean there's the obvious reasons to celebrate which includes the fact you are legally allowed to buy alcohol and gamble. An even greater reason to celebrate is the fact that you made it to 21! You made it through high school drama, the awkward stage of knowing that legally you are considered an adult and yet still not having a clue what that means. And honestly, at 21 you may still have no idea what being an adult means, but you made it.
With all the celebration, there are still so many lessons that you have to learn about being 21.
Lesson 1: Alcohol is expensive!
You were so excited to finally be able to buy your own drinks and drink wine at dinner and go out to bars. That is until you realize that one drink can buy you a meal on a college budget.
Lesson 2: Turning 21 before your friends is kind of a party foul in itself.
You may not have this problem. In fact, if you are the youngest of your friend or family group then you have it good! But when it's only you who can legally drink, it loses its charm. Fast.
Lesson 3: Once your friends FINALLY turn 21...
Lesson 4: Uber is your new best friend.
Seriously, just take five minutes out of your day to make an account with either Uber or Lyft. It's not worth driving home even after you've had only a couple drinks. Protect yourself and others.
Lesson 5: Take advantage of owning pepper spray and take that self-defense class!
Knowing simple tips and tricks to being safe when you're alone or at a club, bar, or even just leaving work can save your life.
Lesson 6: It's not all about the drinking...
I know shocker right? But there's so much more than the legal benefits of being 21. At 21 either you have already taken up two part time jobs in order to pay off student loans or you are a full-time student about to graduate with very little time left to try and find an internship or career or you have a family who you need to think of and take care of. The excitement of drinking wears off very quickly when you are reminded that there is more to life, and sometimes that excitement is far better than any moment of alteration.
Lesson 7: Don't take yourself so seriously!
This is something that everybody of every age needs to be reminded of, and sometimes that reminder is a hard one to hear, especially when we think that there is little to no time to have our entire life figured out. But reality check, my dear reader, no one will have absolutely EVERYTHING figured out. No matter how organized or how planned out you have your life, the world WILL throw you curve balls and that is OK! It's ok to feel in control and it is ok to feel so hopeless about your situation, but what you need to remember is that your life is not over. There is still a plan for your life even when it feels in the moment that nothing good can come from it. There will always be hope when you look hard enough. Don't take yourself so seriously and find joy in your life because your life is a blessing and you are important and valued. Be silly and make memories. Peace out 21! Now cue Taylor Swift lyrics because...