If you guys are like me, you love shortcuts. Not like in school or sports or anything important, but if there is an easier or quicker way to do something, then you can bet your bottom dollar that I will take that route. I think a part of me has attention span problems, because I cannot just sit in one place all day doing the same thing. Let’s find the problem, fix it, and move on with our lives. With all of that being said, I’ve compiled a list of tips and tricks that I have either learned, been taught, or have heard about in an attempt to help you “do life better” (that was awkwardly written… I DON'T KNOW I SAW IT ON PINTEREST OK).
1. Straws
This might seem like a no brainer, but if you want to keep your teeth as white as possible, straws are your absolute best friend. They keep the liquid, rather that be tea, coffee, etc., away from the front part of your teeth which over time leads to staining that can be irreversible without expensive teeth whitening done by a professional. Save yourself the $$$ and use a straw when drinking anything that could leave stains behind!
2. The 2-Liter Dime Challenge
Okay, I saw this one on twitter so I’m not sure about the credibility, BUT apparently if you fill a 2-Liter soda or juice bottle with loose dimes that you collect, it equals out to $500 when completely full. I don’t know about you guys, but I always have loose change so this is definitely something that I want to try! Then I can afford teeth whitening, because let’s be honest, straws are not always accessible.
3. Dryer Sheets
This is a pretty old hack that people have been doing for years, but placing dryer sheets in conspicuous places is a quick way to make your space smell amazing. Put a few under your car seats and you won’t have to waste money on those car air fresheners that lose their smell in literally 36 seconds. Put a few in your gym bag because well… it’s your gym bag. Any small, concealed space can house a number of these little guys and you will quickly notice a difference!
4. Car Keys for Opening Cans
Ladies, you just spent 2 hours in the nail salon for the perfect French manicure just to have it ruined in 2 seconds by opening your diet coke (that you’re drinking with a straw, I AM SERIOUS ABOUT THESE STRAWS PEOPLE). Or maybe your nails are too short to open the can to begin with! Well never again. Take your car keys or really any key and pry it under the tab to pop the can open. I’ve used this trick so many times and it’s never failed me. You’re welcome. Keep that mani fierce, girl.
5. Quick and ~Clean~ Measurements
Dieting doesn’t have to be complicated!
Protein + Carbs = Muscle Gain
Protein + Fat = Maintenance
Protein + Veggies = Fat Loss
6. Hair Pictures
Have you ever had a haircut that made you want to shave your head bald and start over? No? Just me? Whatever, liars. You could come in the salon and explain exactly what you want down to the very last detail and you think your hairdresser knows exactly how to do your Solange Knowles curls but you could still manage to come out looking like a cabbage patch kid. Look, no beautician is perfect, and they’re definitely not mind readers. So the next time you really love how your hair looks, take a picture! That way, the next time you go to get your hair done, your hairdresser has a better understanding and picture proof of what it is that you would like done. Everybody wins!
7. Buy Books
If your school is like mine, then you have certain novels/books that you have to get for class discussion. Most of the time it costs close to the same to rent as to buy these books, so just go ahead and splurge that extra $5.75 and buy it. That way, when you eventually get an apartment or house of your own, you will have more to decorate the coffee table with than just US Weekly or Sports Illustrated (not to say that the Swimsuit Edition isn’t “classy” but I mean in the grand scheme… Kate Hudson < Shakespeare). Plus, having the likes of Aristotle, Adam Smith, and Cervantes on your bookshelf won’t ever hurt your image. Like ever. You go you little intuitive, worldly philosopher, you.
And there you guys have it! I hope these help you in some way or fashion and help you keep the stress levels to a minimum! I know this was a little sporadic, but honestly life tips don’t have to be orderly because life is far from orderly... that was deeper than intentioned, but fitting nonetheless.