Growing up, my little sister and I were not the best of friends. With a five-year age difference between us, there were many times when she followed me around, and I felt like I was being held back by a baby. Now I'm a sophomore in college, she's about to be a freshman in high school, and we have a friendship more honest and real than any friendship I've ever had. My little sister taught me so much about how to live, and for that I am thankful.
1. Be brave.
My little sister has never failed to be brave. She went to three different middle schools over the course of three years, and through that, she's shown me that there is nothing to fear in the unknown.
2. Embrace the unknown.
She continues to embrace situations she's unsure of openly and wholeheartedly. There is nothing bad to discover, just lessons, chances and memories.
3. Don't take things too seriously.
This is something I have a hard time with, but she doesn't. My little sister lives her life knowing that not everything needs to stress her out or make her anxious. Some things are just meant to be.
4. There are AMAZING people nearby
Some of my sister's friends are the most interesting people I have ever met, and they're 14 years old! It's amazing what you can learn from a person when you don't think you're above them.
5. Speak up.
My little sister has taught me to have a voice and that my voice is important. There's never a time when she doesn't have something to say, and she always makes certain that everyone is listening.
6. Laugh often.
My sister is always finding something to laugh about, and when she finds something really funny she lets it all out. She can laugh and go along with a joke for hours.
7. When all else fails, cuddle.
My sister loves to cuddle. She will cuddle with me, my dad, our dog and pretty much anyone she can get her hands on. It always brings a smile to her face and calms her down.