Thanksgiving is approaching, which means that a lot of us will be returning home for the break. However, the break also means that many of us will be encountering various family members. In order to prepare yourself, here are the 7 types of people you'll see during Thanksgiving as told by Dwight Schrute.
1. The one who loves to play football on Thanksgiving
We all have that one family member...or maybe it's you.
2. The one who hates large family reunions
Crowds just aren't for everyone.
3. The one who skips ahead to Christmas
I have one question. How dare you?
4. The one who brags about their career success
Don't mind me, I'll just be in the corner stealing leftovers to eat while I wait for my film career to take off.
5. The one who doesn't smile during the family photo
We don't get to eat until Grandma gets a picture she likes, so just smile. Do it for the mashed potatoes, guys.
6. The one who drags you along to go Black Friday Shopping
I thought being on break meant you slept in?
7. The one who just wants everyone to hurry up so they can eat
Let's just put on some sweat pants. It's not like our jeans will fit after dinner anyways, right?
Our family may drive us crazy at times, but at the end of the day, the holidays are about being with loved ones. So travel safely and enjoy the holiday!