You would think that working in a cupcake shop you'd really only get happy customers, right? I mean, who can be in a bad mood when buying cupcakes? Completely wrong. As someone who has worked in customer service for the past three years, I've experienced the good, the bad and the extremely rude. Here are just a few examples of the types of people I've helped over the years.
1. The extremely polite/friendly customer.
In other words, the perfect customer. These customers are friendly, ask how you are before you even get a chance to ask them, are always pleasant and the best part? THEY SAY THANK YOU. Working with polite customers makes working with the awful ones worth it and really make the job so much more enjoyable.
2. The customer who never stops asking questions.
I am more than happy to answer any questions customers have, but when it's question after question after question, and the answer is obvious, it gets a little annoying.
3. The customer who takes forever.
Not that I really have anywhere to be unless it's the end of my shift; waiting for someone to study every single cupcake flavor, going up and down the line and then switching out flavors all to just choose the most basic, plain vanilla or chocolate flavor after ten minutes is what drives me absolutely crazy.
4. The customer who switches from nice to rude.
It's a rare occurrence, but it definitely happens. A customer who starts out extremely polite until something doesn't go their way, and it suddenly goes down hill from there. Whether it be not having a flavor they wanted or even the size of box they wanted, you never know what is going to change someone's attitude.
5. The terribly rude.
Yep. We get them all the time and it's never any fun. The people who are too absorbed in their own little world to be able to think about how they're coming off are the worst type of people. Most times they don't say hi or even respond when you ask how they are. Some say things under their breath when we don't have the flavor they wanted, most people throw a tantrum when things happen that are completely out of our control. And that's the thing, most things that can go wrong are completely out of my control, so please don't yell at me. Most times you just have to keep your composure and try and not be rude back, other times you have to go to the back and cool down before helping other customers. All you have to do is fake it 'til you make it, or until they leave to rant about how much they made you want to cry.
6. The customer who doesn't look up from their phone.
No explanation needed.
7. The customer who always asks to see the manager.
Believe it or not, everyone who works out front can do most things our manager can, so when you ask to talk to the manager, I'll first ask you if there's anything I can do, because most times I can and am more than happy to help.