A funny thing happens when a natural disaster situation happens to the east coast: the entire world seemingly knows about it and takes an interest. Friday night to Saturday created havoc down the eastern coast as snowstorm Jonas brought an entirety of winter weather all in one weekend. Because it was called "Jonas," young women around the country immediately related the storm to the popular boy band and the news quickly became a trending topic that reached the famous brothers all the way out in California. Maybe they took an interest because they're from northern New Jersey. Who knows? Regardless, you couldn't open up social media this past weekend without seeing some type of post or meme about the snow, so here are the best of the best.
Fitting that the first real snowfall of the year was also the most snow we've seen since 1978.
Come on, boys, bring the chorus around ...
Yeah, Kevin, you show the east coast who's boss!
Forget milk and bread. Can we actually talk about the necessary materials for this storm?
"And if you take a look at the screen behind me, it looks like as storm Jonas moves further up north, the intensity will become hotter and hotter..."
Ugh, retweet.
Seriously. Even Tinder matches wanted to talk about it. That's how you know.
The moral of the story is that everybody knows that it snowed. The true test of your character is whether you are going to brave the elements and shovel or stay inside and let the snow freeze over into ice that will remain for the next five weeks. You should probably choose to go outside and shovel instead of posting pictures so that I don't look like Bambi on ice when I have to use your sidewalk to get to class.