I'm not sure when the predisposition began that video games were only for guys, but for some reason, it's been considered taboo for a girl to enjoy gaming.
1. Getting accused of being a 8-year-old boy when you speak on a headset
Because its more likely that the higher pitched voice belongs to a pre-pubescent male instead of a girl. Hmm.
2. Telling guys you play video games and being immediately hit on ![]()
I'm so glad you're attracted to me for the sole purpose that I understand how to play Call of Duty. Yes, tell me more.
3. Getting stares whenever you walk into a game store![]()
No, I don't need help. Yes, I do know which isle I'm in. Yes, I know the difference between Xbox and Playstation.
4. The assumption that all you can play is Candy Crush and other "girl" games
I love Call of Duty, GTA, and Assassin's Creed. And I guarantee I can beat you at these "manly" games.
5. Having boys think they need to let you win
I can promise you my kill streak will be better than yours.
6. Being held to a double standard if you post publicly about gaming
It's pretty normal to be called "fake" or an "attention-whore" if you post something about gaming. Because clearly I'm doing this with my life just so all the boys like me.
7. Dealing with the stereotypical female images in games![]()
Do all women really only wear a bra and tight pants to defeat the enemy? Why do the male characters have full armor instead?
These are just a few of the issues I've encountered, because apparently what I have between my legs affects my ability to play a video game. Ignore them, ladies. Play on.