What did you choose last year as your New Year's resolution? Every year, a significant portion of the American population spends their New Year's Eve celebrating before beginning their dreaded diet. No matter how high their goals are, they plan to increase their fruits and veggies and decrease the processed junk food. Every year, these people start off strong and spend the first few weeks seeking losing the first couple of pounds before giving in to their cravings for the salty and sweet foods that they had previously abandoned.
Although we may be several months away from our next New Year celebration, it is about time that we revisit the goal that we have spent years seeking and finally make the change for good.
1. Find foods you love (and eat them often!)
The most important part of losing weight is watching the food that you are putting into your body. Food is the fuel that determines your energy level and how you feel through the digestion process. Although food is intended to produce energy, it matters how you feel about your food. If you hate carrots, don't eat carrots. The internet is filled with a variety of delicious and healthy recipes of all kind. From burrito bowls to cauliflower pizza, there are so many low fat and low carb options that won't make your taste buds suffer. Don't waste time with boring fad diets when you can
2. Get active in a way that suits you.
There is no one-size-fits-all for ways to get up and get active. Find what you love and do more of it! From fitness classes to getting outdoors, weight training to team sports, there is an option that fits into anyone's schedule. Getting active doesn't have to be running on a treadmill, there are so many creative ways to get your body moving. You never know what will become your next hobby, so don't be afraid to try something new!
3. Get connected.
Finding others who have goals similar to your own can motivate you to chase your own. Whether it is friends, a social media group or any other community of people seeking a healthier life, a support system is important throughout this process. These people can become resources for new recipes, find new workout partners, and find the strength to overcome your serious craving for Oreos.
4. Find your motivators.
What makes you want to lose weight or live a healthier lifestyle? Whether it is a medical diagnosis or preparing for your spring break swimsuit, finding your motivation and utilizing it during the planning process can significantly impact your success with this goal.
5. Embrace technology.
There are so many great apps and websites to help you excel in this weight loss journey. From calorie trackers to weight lifting how-tos, motivational quotes to recipes, technology has helped us to better plan and educate ourselves for success in our healthy endeavor.
6. Get hydrated.
Proper hydration changes everything about our body's operation and function. Drinking water before meals prevents overeating and is a great way to begin a healthier lifestyle. Replace your calorie-packed drinks for a good ole glass of H2O and start feeling the great benefits of this refreshing choice.
7. Be patient with results.
The weight took years to put on, you can't expect it to come off overnight. Progress could take as long as weeks, months, or even years. Although it is hard to imagine into the future, it is worth the investment in yourself.
Choosing a healthier lifestyle isn't just a decision that involves a few weeks and is done. It is a series of choices that are made many times throughout a day. Incorporating these changes may seem time consuming, but it will soon become a habit. Take everything one day at a time and you will surely succeed.