Some people are just chill. They aren't excitable, and they don't really need to be in the spotlight. If you've never had a friend like this odds are you attract too much drama for them to be around. Everyone knows someone like this, though, but recognizing them might be difficult. People can be low-key in one group and high-key in others. Low- key peeps are bound to show at least a few of these habits, though.
1.They spectate drama; no participation
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Drama is to the Low-Key person is like a bowl of candy. It can be entertaining to see people falling all over themselves when their crush walks into a room, or to shit talk with friends about people's poor Mario Party skills, but at the end of the day though the path of least resistance leads to being friendly towards everybody. Remaining impartial and generally neural lets low-key people hang out in whatever social circle so long as people are willing to be civil to each other.
2.Quiet about themselves
Maybe they don't have a lot going on in their life right now. Maybe they work for the CIA and cannot divulge this nation's secrets without being accused of high treason. You probably won't ever know unless you ask them. Even then they may not be willing to divulge the info.
3. Work-Aholics
When you haven't seen your friend at any parties, and every time you text them they take hours to respond it's important to realize they probably still like you; they are just on their grind right now. Another habit of Low-Key people is putting their goals above hanging out with friends. They don't mean to be rude but they know they need to get stuff done.
4.The Irish Goodbye
Where'd they go? You could have sworn they were posted up on the wall, sitting on the couch chatting, or making small talk with someone at the keg. If you've ever just lost track of someone and realized that they bounced then you've experienced probably the most annoying habit of Low-Key people. The next time you see them discretely put a bell on them so you can hear them decide to go home and catch up on some sleep.
5. Wall Flowering
Another form of camouflage that allows the Low-Key person to maneuver through crowds with ease, observing the events of a party without anyone even realizing they exist. There are people drinking, dancing, fighting, and making out all around them. Most likely the low-key indivdual is just trying to spot someone they know while not bumping into any of the drunk menagerie around them.
6. Good listeners
The low-key individual will most likely be a good listener. It comes with the territory whether they think other people are more interesting to talk about than themselves, or they just find talking exhausting. Low key people will politely, and quietly listen to people while making strong eye contact so that the person speaking knows they're being heard.
7. Polite to pretty much everybody
Low-key people avoid drama through a series of complex maneuvers they use at their own personal discretion. The most versatile of these tools is politeness. It is very hard to start problems with someone who is just generally respectful of people and nice to pretty much everyone. That doesn't mean there aren't exceptions to the rule, however, and if the low-key person feels threatened you can be sure that they will most likely vacate the area.