We’ve all procrastinated at one time or another, be it on a big school project or on sleep because we have to watch just one more episode. For some of us, procrastination is a part of daily life. And no matter how hard we try, we just can't seem to stop the cycle. A high-functioning procrastinator is one that can get their work done on time at the price of sleep deprivation and stress. This type of procrastinator develops certain habits in order to keep their cycle working despite the fact that procrastinating isn't the most efficient way to get work done.
1. Deadlines are the only things keeping you motivated
If it weren't for the due date looming ahead, you would never get anything done. Also coffee. Coffee is very important.
2. You use organization as a way to push off actual work
Or as I call it, productive procrastination. Instead of doing what I'm supposed to be doing, I start cleaning my room and making to-do lists. I call family members I haven't talked to in a while or try planning out my week. This type of procrastination is bad because it feels like you're accomplishing things. As you do each small task, you feel good because you're getting things done, except for the big project you've been putting off.
3. You're not great at managing your priorities
If it was between going out with your friends and getting some work done, you'd choose you're friends hands down. And why wouldn't you? One option is fun and will helps you relax. The other isn't nearly as appealing.
4. You have a terrible sleep schedule
When it gets down to the wire, sleep is sacrificed so that you can finish whatever assignment you've been dreading.
5. Stress and anxiety are everyday battles
By putting things off until the last minute, you've made yourself into a ticking time bomb. As the due date gets closer, you're stress levels increase exponentially. You know you've got to get it done and that there'll be consequences if you don't. All that puts a lot of stress on your shoulders that doesn't get relieved until the project is done.
6. Always have an excuse ready, just in case
Sometimes you wait a little bit too late, and you have to prepare for the possibility that you won't make the deadline. So you try to think up reasonable excuses while you rush to finish. Maybe you had too much other work and didn't get to this assignment in time. Maybe your dog ate your essay while you were eating breakfast.
7. You aim to do better next time
After going through the whole ordeal of stressing out trying to get something done the day (or night) before, you tell yourself that you'll do better next time. That you'll start earlier, space out the workload, finish ahead of time.