The month of May has finally arrived, and that means summertime is just around the corner. Summer break in college is largely a symbol of relief, especially when you are still in school and use the months of May through August to take a break. I am extremely thankful that I have the opportunity to take advantage of summertime in order to have less stress; after persistent long days and nights of a tightly packed schedule and tension, a little time to enjoy the sunshine and just breathe is very well needed. Many young adults do not necessarily have a true “break” from it all during the summer--some work full time, others take summer classes, and situations ultimately vary. However, making use of any time off can be a wise idea when attainable, especially when such free time is hard to come by as the years go on. With this in mind, I have created seven goals for the purpose of making this coming summer one to truly relish and remember:
1. Actually relax.
Having the time to rest your body and mind is absolutely essential; taking breaks and being mindful of your self-care is necessary for maintaining a positive and healthy lifestyle. The laborious hours of taking classes and working consecutively can drain a person dry, so summer is a perfect time for a recharge.
Bring on the cat naps, days by the pool, and lazy afternoons. The ultimate relaxation days involve no place to be, and no one to see.
2. Get off the Internet and get outside.
Social media are platforms designed to make us feel connected, however, this can lead to a great disconnection from what is going on in the physical world around us. Summer weather is perfect for spending time outdoors, and being mindful of its beauty and complex nature instead of constantly scrolling through Facebook or Instagram.
Taking the time of summer to simply sit outside and feel the warmth, hear the birds chirp during the day and watch the fireflies glow at night...that is something that our phones could never replace.
3. Do more for myself.
When obligations start adding up during the school year--class, work, assignments,studying, this and that--my schedule becomes so full that I rarely have time for myself. Summertime assists in providing extra hours to spend doing what someone genuinely enjoys on their own. Like relaxation, making time to treat yourself by doing whatever it is that makes you happy is necessary for preserving self-care.
During summer break, I will craft, cook, and plant flowers like there is no tomorrow. I will take long walks just because, and hopefully learn more about what I love to do for myself along the way.
4. Take trips and explore.
As mentioned previously, the obligations of the school year can really hinder a person’s amount of free time. While staying in on the weekend after an exhausting week can be more than satisfying, the world outside contains so much to do and see. That being said, having the time to plan an exciting day out of the house is few and far between. However, summer provides an ideal opportunity to plan memorable trips, or make spontaneous decisions to go someplace new.
Summer will consist of more walks in the park, hikes in the woods, day trips to other cities, and visits to local attractions that I have yet to see.
5. Make up for lost time.
Not only can college distract from the time someone has for themselves, but also the time one has to spend with those they love. It isn’t always easy to be so busy that you do not have time you wish you had to spend with your friends, or you have moved away from home and only have the opportunity to see your family on occasion.
This summer break will be a prime opportunity to make up for lost time with my best friend, my mom, my little nieces and nephews...and so many more. I would not be where I am without them, so spending quality time with the ones that I hold so dear is greatly important.
6. Prepare myself for what is next.
When the busyness of school work, a job, and other obligations become rather extreme, it can be difficult to find the time to consider what else you would like to plan for in life. Not only is there lack of enough time to plan for significant events and decisions, but there also seems to be a deprivation of plentiful time to mentally prepare oneself for what is upcoming.
Summertime will allow myself to actually sit down and prepare more for my future. Not only this, but I will have the opportunity to mentally equip myself for tenacious work and challenges that are to come my way.
7. Enjoy the moment.
Time can certainly seem to fly during your routine, especially during the habitual tasks of college and working alone. When your responsibilities and commitments continue to pile on as time goes by, the chaos of it all can take away from the small yet deserving elements about life itself.
This summer, I will appreciate the simple fact that I have this time to enjoy for myself. I will acknowledge the sun in the sky and the green grass on the ground just because they are alive and there. Summertime does not have to be present in order to take notice of moments like these… However, it is a great place to start.