Pay Day, the day that solves all your problems. Well, that is supposed to solve all your problems. Every two weeks us hardworking employees anxiously wait for Pay Day to arrive and bless our bank accounts. For most people, Pay Day usually lands on a Friday, which means we finally have money again to spend during the weekend, right? Well, that's not always the case. Pay Day is a wonderful day that brings many people joy, but it can also be another reminder of just how broke you really are. Here are a few gifs that perfectly describe the ups and downs of Pay Day.
1. The day before
A gif to resemble the day before Pay Day. Some people may spend this day trying to calculate how much they are going to get this pay period and try to do the responsible thing and figure out how much money is going to bills and important stuff. Others (like me) spend this day dreaming about all the ways they are going to blow their pay check on ridiculous non-necessity things. Either way, all we want is our money!
2. Pay Day
Finally, Pay Day arrives and this gif perfectly demonstrates the happy dance we all do while counting our money after we stop at the ATM after Pay Day. If you don't have your Pay Day money dance you aren't doing Pay Day right.
3. The celebration
On Pay Day we feel like we can do anything that involves money. Anyone who works hard for a paycheck should be allowed to use their money any way they please, but sometime we get carried away with our paycheck and start throwing money around like it's nothing. #makeitrain
4. The illusion of a nice check
A gif so perfect it's ridiculous. This gif is a great representation of how, for some reason, we always seem to talk ourselves into buying something we know we shouldn't be spending our pay check on because thinking is for the poor.
5. The reality of adulthood
This gif describes the way we feel on Pay Day when we realize we have to use half of our check on bills. All we want is to enjoy our money, is that too much to ask?!
6. The reality of reality
This gif is a representation of the exact moment you check your bank account after a long weekend and paying those bills you had been dreading.
7. The conclusion
Since you blew all your money on pointless stuff and bills, here you are, explaining to your friends why you can't make it to the bars tonight. See you in another two weeks, Pay Day!