USC, it’s been fun. I’ve laughed, cried and overslept way too many times. In no way do I regret my time here… even after constantly complaining about papers and midterms, I actually did enjoy my time here. Since coming here in August, in total I have been here for a little less than 10 months-- almost a full year! And now that I’m packing a saying goodbye to the people I’ve met here, I don’t know, it’s a bit bitter-sweet.
...Ok, I say this, but just watch, in like 3-4 months when I’m back it’s going to be the same routine of complaining and questioning my majors...but all good! All part of the college experience!
Below are 7 gifs that I’ve found that summarize the few months I had at USC (and probably the experience of most college freshmen).
That first week when you actually do work and don't procrastinate:
Your sleep scheduled becoming completely messed up
When talking with financial aid/billing offices
Coming back from winter/spring break
Avoiding people when you really just want to be alone
Midterm/Finals season (so pretty much the whole year since this school has no concept of giving breaks to students)
Leaving right after your last final because you're so done with this place
But even with being tired after finals season and quickly wanting to go home, I'm probably going to miss USC as soon as I get home.