I have to manage my anxiety on a daily basis - and for the last few weeks I had not been doing so hot.
This semester I just switched to a new job. Also, I had the amazing gift of becoming an RA on my campus, a semester earlier than I anticipated, which came with a lot more responsibility. This new job, and becoming an RA introduced a lot of change into my life that created a lot of extra stress and triggered my anxiety.
Luckily, I was reminded by multiple friends to check in with myself and see what kind of self-care I was using to cope with all the change.
I wanted to share my free tips with you in order to inspire people to begin to manage their anxiety today without having to spend a lot of money on things like flowers, massages, Starbucks or what ever else might help you get out of a funk.
1. A Hot Bath or Shower
I am assuming you have access to a tub of course, and second best is a hot shower. The hot water can help wash off the grime and bad energy and leave you feeling fresh and relaxed. It also helps me to center back into the here and now and become present instead of caught up in the chaos of the day I just lived through.
Lately, I have been taking a bath every night and making it as hot as I can bear. It helps relax my muscles and give me a deeper night sleep.
2. Affirmations (and Happy Music)
If you are a words person, and I recognize that not everyone is, this is critical. Often anxious people have these voices in their head that are constantly telling them off.
"You are so stupid, you aren't ever going to be good enough, you are too fat, you are so lazy, you never, you always, you can't, you won't."
So, this idea won't cost you a dime, and it helps counter those nasty voices that so many of us deal with.
Set aside some time, it can be as little as 1-2 minutes and refute those voices. It can be in your head, or out loud, or written in a journal but just do it.
Find a minimum of five nice things to say about yourself and then say "I am..."
My favorites are: Smart, Beautiful, Strong, Whole, and Present.
Also, if you feel uncomfortable with this, why not just listen to them?
Spotify and YouTube have tons of affirmations that you can listen to while doing anything from makeup, exercise, or commuting to work or school.
3. Stretching/Exercise
Getting your body moving and heart rate up does not have to include an expensive gym membership.
Look on YouTube for some basic stretches or if you have a phone, chances are there is a 7 minute workout app that includes push-ups, sit-ups, squats, jumping jacks, running in place, step-ups, lunges, plank, and many other things that do not require any equipment or even getting out of your bedroom.
If you can't bring yourself to do anything from the list above, but on your favorite upbeat music in your room and dance like no one is watching. Both the music and the body movement will help you feel a little more lighthearted after a tough day.
4. Increasing Water Consumption
According to the University of Conneticut, Even Mild Dehydration Can Alter Mood.
In the study it says:
“Even mild dehydration that can occur during the course of our ordinary daily activities can degrade how we are feeling – especially for women, who appear to be more susceptible to the adverse effects of low levels of dehydration than men,” says Harris Lieberman, one of the studies’ co-authors and a research psychologist with the Military Nutrition Division, U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine in Natick, Mass. “In both sexes these adverse mood changes may limit the motivation required to engage in even moderate aerobic exercise. Mild dehydration may also interfere with other daily activities, even when there is no physical demand component present.”
In my experience, the more you pay attention to your body and give it what it needs, the less likely anxiety is going to crop up.
I now have a really nice large water bottle I carry with myself all the time so I have no excuse to not be consuming large quantities of water through out my day.
So, drink more water!
5. Drop 1 Episode - Get Extra Hour of Sleep
Television can be a whole lot of fun, and silly shows like The Office, Parks and Rec, and The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt can all be great was to relax.
But, instead of watching five episodes tonight, why not cut it to four and get an extra hour of sleep?
Your body needs the time to recharge and re-energize for the next day! The more well rested you are, the less anxious you may be!
If you are an anxious person though, it can sometimes be difficult to get to sleep.
Sometimes I like to take melatonin, but I try not to use it too often.
Here are 25 Tips to Achieve Better Sleep with Anxiety.
6. YouTube Stand-Up Comedy (or other silly and inspiring things)
In order to boost your mood without having to pay a dime, why not go on YouTube and start researching comedians and find what you like best?
Here is a list of 198 videos of Popular Laugh Factory & Stand Up Comedy Videos.
I have not watched all of these, but have fun finding which comedians you may like! Keep in mind all comedians have a different style, so you may need to watch at least five different people before you find something that makes you laugh and begins releasing your anxiety.
7. Meditation or Deep Breathing
For meditation I prefer my car, and the calm.com app with guided meditation. I lay my seat back and enjoy the "surround sound" sensation with calm.com's sounds of birds chirping by a lake and let myself be guided by the soothing voice.
I find that even doing the shortest guided meditation, three minutes in length, can make a huge improvement on my mood.
You can also access it from a computer. Often I meditate when I have been feeling frantic and hyper anxious with little control. Meditation helps recenter you and get you present.
If you aren't in to meditation that is totally fine! But in our chaotic world, finding a safe quiet place to just sit and be still for a few minutes can do wonders for your mind and bring you back to the here and now.
Personally, I love to practice deep breathing with one of these shapes! It helps you slow down and breath deep! It can be so relaxing and almost instantly help me begin to manage a crazy anxious day.
If you can't quiet stand the quiet or the guided meditation but want to practice more stillness and presence, try listening to Bach Chello Suites or Spa music.
If you found this article helpful, please leave a comment and share! I would love for this to reach as many people who need to hear it as possible!
Thank you so much for reading - and stay tuned for more articles in the future!
Also! If you would like to get in touch with me - feel free to email me at natalie.esparza@mga.edu.
I would love to hear about how my article effected you!