This is a sandwich:
I think most people can agree that a good definition of sandwich is "bread with some stuff in the middle." I'd like to complicate that a little, looking more deeply into what a sandwich is and why some things are some things aren't sandwiches. In we go...
1. Hot Dogs
Companion to the hamburger, generally an agreed-upon sandwich, the hot dog is somehow more debatable.
Is it the horizontal grip hot dogs require that makes them less sandwich-y? Perhaps the typical amount of toppings sets them apart (though it's foolish to dismiss sauerkraut and chili as somehow less intense than hamburger toppings). Is a hot dog a sandwich? A question for the ages.
2. Burritos
So delicious. At Chipotle, these tasty tortillas filled with things can reach nearly the size of a human infant. But are they sandwiches? There is definitely the bread (tortilla) encasing food (basically whatever you wanna put in there). Can it be a sandwich?
3. Egg Rolls/Spring Rolls
This is pretty much the same principle as burritos. You've got a wrapping, a filling and a delectable food item. They're little, so perhaps more mini-sandwich, like a tea sandwich.
4. Pierogi
These Easter European dumplings have all different kinds of fantastic fillings! Yet again, the basic criteria for "sandwich" are in play here, as there's an outer thing and inner thing. Yet few people would look at these and think, "Ah, yes. A Sandwich."
5. Sushi Rolls
Alright, I know what you're thinking: Where's the bread?? Well, I'd like to postulate that here, the role of bread is played by rice. Another issue is that sushi rolls aren't, in most company, considered proper to eat without utensils, while most sandwiches can be gone at with just your hands. To that I say, do you really think that all sandwiches are finger food? I've never met a meatball sub I didn't want to take a fork to, but going in empty-handed would not be a comfortable move.6. Calzones
Look deep into this cheesy wonder and just let your inner Ben Wyatt run wild. Another possible sandwich I'd never mistake for finger food, but nonetheless, one that hits the basic sandwich definition sweet spots. Lookin' good, sandwich or not.
7. Ice Cream Cones
WHAT? THERE'S NO WAY!! Well, check out this cross section of an ice cream cone and hear me out...
Would you look at that! Bready outside (waffle cone), inner food bits (splendid vanilla ice cream). Is it a stretch? Yes. But think about it. More like a sandwich than you may previously have thought.
All of these foods are and aren't sandwiches. This was simply an exercise in rethinking how we categorize food; there isn't one single way to conceptualize a food, and you might be amazed by how many intricacies there are in the way we engage with understanding the things we eat. And, other than being fake-deep, cool pictures of food are cool.