If you have ever met a field hockey player then at some point you have probably seen them during season (wait, that’s right, season doesn’t end). We truly play for the love of the game! So much so that we eat sleep and breathe hockey. If you don’t believe me go ahead and ask a field hockey player how they would feel about never being able to play again! They probably won’t want to talk about or they will be in denial and say that will never happen I will always keep playing. Our dedication is so strong that we are basically in a relationship with our stick (some people even sleep next to their stick when they get a new one... Noooo it’s not odd it’s very common when you play hockey). There are some things that we undeniably have a love/hate relationship with though.
1. TAN LINES!!!!
These are inevitable! Every hockey experiences these at some point during their career, whether you get the goggle tan lines from playing in high school, the shin guard tan, or if you’re like me then you might have that glove tan, or the lovely racerback! No matter how hard you try it’s IMPOSSIBLE to get rid of them. Even when you lose your tan they are still there!!!
2. Pre-season
Cause why wouldn’t we want to cut our summer two weeks short? I mean we love the sport that much that we willingly give up those two weeks of hanging with friends and going on vacation just to play.
3. We love saying “Thank you officials”
It’s seriously our favorite thing! Especially when that do such a great job reffing a fair game! (That was complete sarcasm if you couldn’t tell) but we do really appreciate them when they actually do ref a fair game.
4. Mouth guards
I mean I think I look very lady like with my mouth guard in. it definitely adds that scare factor when I am on the field. Hahaha oh and it highlights those lovely cheek bones!
5. Who doesn’t love playing in a skirt?
I never understood these, like don’t get me wrong they are kinda comfy. But think about the fact that we are in a skirt that is always somehow tighter than it should be for its size. Then you to think about the fact that our sticks are short so we have to be hunched over all the time! So wearing a skirt probably not the best choice. But the fans sure love it!
We don’t sweat, sweating is an understatement, we glisten! We glisten because we come off the field looking like we just showered and somehow people still want to hug us and tell us we played good. But idk how…
7. Lastly, those lovely bruises!!
Some people will argue that hockey girls are the toughest girls out there. I might be bias but I think they are correct! We get massive bruise on our body, break fingers and get injuries and play through it all. Then go to our trainers were they rub out our bruises. Because everyone wants to have someone push on a bruise the size of your hand. Or when they use those lovely metal tools on the bruise, it’s called Grastin, its makes everything feel nice after but not during.