People seem to forget that Black people exist when it comes to the arts: manga and cartoons and even realistic artists seem to always leave out the dark-skinned, afro haired characters in their work. So, it can be hard for a Black artist, or even a Black art fan, to find something that's just right for them...
Well, look no further! Below, you'll find seven fantastic Black artists who dedicate their work to their people. Many of them, in fact, sell their work online! So if you really enjoy their art, support them! Feel free to Google their name and send them a few dollars so they can continue their work, have a hot meal, and so you can enjoy your very own canvas from your new favorite Black artist.
1. Binx Taylor

Native to Tumblr, Binx Taylor (also known as "The Binx"), produces art that spreads its wings on and off the internet. Her work is popular amongst urban cinderblock walls as well as the news feeds of thousands on social media.
Binx plays with risqué positions as she reveals the almighty beauty of women of color, and each one of her pieces evokes power in the girls that have the pleasure to look upon them.
With colors that pop and a style that catches the eye in an instant, her cartoons are the perfect example of why you should know all seven of the Black artists featured in this article. Her art, and the others', are simply to dye for!
2. Phillicia Deanell
Better known as Heir of Glee, this artist is quite similar to the previous listed: her color stands out, and the style is classically bubbly, outgoing, and sometimes even sexy!
While much of her work is fan-based -- sketching toons related to pop culture and anime -- Phillicia's approach to cartooning is brilliantly unique, and though she spent time developing her skills in college, she never lost that spark that made her work her own.
Within every piece of her art, you'll find a fragment of her and a sense of style that is infinite and simply breathtaking.
3. AsieyBarbie
Fan-art is a heavy trend in the afro-art business. Many Black geeks crave the sight of characters that share the same melanin-rich skin as they do. And as Black geeks crave, AsieyBarbie delivers!
This artist has work that stand on the bridge between cartoon style and manga style. The hues and shades in each of the artist's work is flamboyant, allowing each fan to feel the radiance of the art and the one who brought it to life.
Every picture inspires the creative soul in every viewer, leaving them feeling touched by the muses and lucky to have seen AsieyBarbie's art.
4. GDBee
Marvel at the fantastic work of Gevena, the artist above! GDBee captures the magic of Black girls in all her work, and bestows upon them a colorful beauty that actually lives in all women of color. With this unique skill -- the skill to infuse her toonish work with the same vibrance actual Black beauties have -- GDBee assures thousands of her fans of their invincible fabulousness.
GDBee gifts all of her works with the power to make hundreds of thousands confident and inspired. So many young Black girls look up to her work and aspire to be just as pretty as the girls in the paintings; inside and out.
5. Anthony Piper
Not long ago, Marvel Comics recognized Anthony Piper and acknowledged him a skilled artist. Now, he works for Marvel and is devoting his time to his original comic, "Trill League", an interesting series featuring Black superheroes (cunningly similar to heres in DC Comics).
Anthony's comic "Route 3" is extremely popular and he's been nominated for an award because of it!
Anthony Piper is a huge inspiration for Black artists, showing them that anything is possible if you keep at it and try hard enough. Dreams really do come true!
6. Taj Francis
The Jamaican king of art! Taj's work is phenomenal, stealing away your breath as you lay eyes upon paintings that not only capture the magical beauty of the Black woman, but also portrays her heritage, her progression, and her inner strife in one fell swoop of his brush.
The dimensions of his work expand beyond what we're used to, breaking barriers not many other artist has dared to pass. And with African beauty by his side, his work thrives. Both classy and modern, Taj's work goes completely unchallenged.
7. Titus Kaphar
Now, we stray away from digital work and turn to a more traditional form of visual art. Titus Kaphar expresses his concerns for social justice and equality through his artwork, and he does this in a very physical way. His paintings quite literally jump off the canvas, daring to be touched by its viewer as much as it dares to be critically analyzed by them.
These are only few of many of Kaphar's best works, and only one of his many fine exhibits and projects. Many of which speak out against police brutality, the trend of self-hate in the Black community, and the injustice system that binds Black people everywhere.
The brilliant mind behind all these paintings and sculptures is bound to be forever revered and respected amongst artists of color all of the world.
That's all for now, and remember, most of these artists sell their work. Support them by buying or sharing this article to spread the word!