Being in your 20s is all about learning lessons. Learning how to become your own person. Learning how to do things that you've never had to do. But along the way, there are some things that can get mixed up. College life is a crazy experience that I feel everyone should experience at least once in their life. It definitely has it's downs, but in the end the ups are always worth it. Here are seven facts about college life everyone needs to know.
Drinking all the time doesn’t make you “cool.” Yes, drinking is a good time. Especially in college when you’re with your besties. But, drinking every night just to fit in with a certain crowd or drinking to black out every weekend doesn’t really constitute healthy habits in your life. And in most cases, you’re too hungover to get the stuff you needed to get done before classes on Monday. Before you get to college, there’s this idea that you’re gonna drink all the time and you picture it as a competition to see who can drink more. But, in reality, it’s not as fun and glamorous as you pictured it. Just limit your alcohol, and be smart about it. Don’t use drinking as a way to make yourself cool, alright guys? Just don’t.
Treat Yo'self. Yes, this one is big. We’re all poor, OK? We all have debt up to our eyeballs. But, treating yourself doesn’t necessarily mean spending money. Treating yourself can mean taking a bath, giving yourself a face mask, going for a long walk separated from social media, having a glass of wine and reading a good book, cleaning your whole house and dancing around in it, moving your body, working out and anything that makes youhappy. Yes, you need to do this in college otherwise you’ll fall apart and end up falling into a deep dark abyss consisting of Netflix overload and caffeine and sugar overdoses.
Getting out of your comfort zone is awkward, But necessary. Ah, the awkward “I think we’d be really good friends, but how do I ask to hang out?” This happens so much in college, especially as a freshman. It is super awkward... but super necessary. When you ask a person to hang out or do something you normally wouldn’t, this is when the awesome opportunities and experiences arise. You could meet your best friend, or have the best night of your life. Step out of your comfort zone, do it. When I did this in college, I ended up meeting the best friends of my entire life. Trust me, it’s worth it.
Making mistakes doesn’t make you a bad person, it just means you’re learning. The mistakes you make in college are the mistakes that you’ll think back on when finally achieved your dream career, and you’ll be glad you made those mistakes then, and not when you’re established. College is the time to find yourself, and make those mistakes. Screwing up is okay, just make sure that you’re learning something from it. Make as many mistakes as you can now, rather than later.
Letting toxic people go is an important skill to learn. In college, you’ll come across many different kinds of people. Whatever people you may come across, it’s important to keep in mind what people are making your life better, and what people are making your life worse. Keep the people that make you happy in your life, and the ones who don’t; you don’t need them.
Take risks. Afraid you’re not going to get that job, or that the class will be too hard? You’re never going to know unless you try. Take risks! What do you have to lose? You’re going to be proud of yourself for at least trying. But, that being said, have a back-up plan. Know what will happen if you do fail.
Friends are the most important thing right now. I think college is the time to be free and wild. It’s important to not get wrapped up in your boyfriend or girlfriend and only spend your time with them. You have your whole life to find the one or get married, but you don’t have your whole life to hang out with your friends every night or do wild and crazy things and be young. Live it up, with your friends by your side.
“Enjoy yourself. That’s what your 20s are for. Your 30s are to learn the lessons. Your 40s are to pay for the drinks.” – Carrie Bradshaw, "Sex and the City."