We've all done it or, at least, most of us have. We've gotten a little behind in school due to social obligations, work, or a new season of a favorite show getting added to Netflix. Luckily, an extension on homework is a thing that is easily achieved for most college students. Here are some good excuses that I, and people who I know, have used while turning in an assignment late.
1. I was sick.
Was I really sick? Maybe I was. Was it actually a hangover? It's more likely. Either way, this is the easiest excuse to use, but use it sparingly or people will start to think that you have a serious medical problem.
2. The "Run Away Just As Class Is Starting" Emergency
Wait until the professor is walking through the door to remember that the assignment was due today. Glance at your phone to see "the emergency." Run towards the door frantically apologizing, because you have an emergency. Go home, do the assignment, and send it in an email explaining your emergency.
3. The Email Didn't Attach
Send an email saying, "I have attached the assignment," and then don't attach it. This should give you an extra couple of hours to finish the assignment depending on how often your professor checks their email.
4. The Computer Crashed
"I saved the assignment on my computer and then it crashed and I had to start all over. Can I have a couple of extra days?" This is something that's probably not even a lie. Sometimes, the computer really does crash and you stay up until 4:00 a.m. rewriting an entire paper.
5. My (Insert Pet Here) Had to Go to the Vet
Poor (insert pet name) is (insert old animal age) and isn't doing very well. He/she has (insert old animal ailments). We were scared that he/she was going to be put down. Luckily he/she is OK, but I couldn't get any work done because I was so worried.
6. The Creative Story
This is the use of a crazy made-up story that kind-of-maybe makes sense in your head and that your professor might actually buy. You can only use a creative story once per professor because there's no way that someone would be gullible enough to buy something that dumb twice.
Example: "I was in the car with my boyfriend last night. He has one of those foldable card tables on top of a giant speaker in the back of his SUV and he slammed on his breaks really hard to avoid a puppy in the middle of the road. The table slid and hit me in the back of the head. I'm pretty sure that it gave me a concussion because I couldn't think straight for the entire night."
7. The Crazy Story
The "Wow, that really happened?" story that's absolutely believable to anyone who's abnormally trusting. This is something that you probably won't get away with and should only use as a last resort.
Example: "My house got broken into and I had to fight the burglar off with my bare hands. In the end, he only got away with my computer, all of my textbooks, and the homework sitting on my desk."