After lounging and spending a cold, empty winter break in the comforts of my warm bed, it finally came. Spring Semester. Whether you like it or not, the spring classes are here and in full swing. Now that we've completed a full week of classes, here's a list of the emotions you may have felt (or might even still be feeling) in your first week back to campus.
1. Excitement
If you're like me, you probably had everything packed up days in advance, unable to wait to see all your friends again. Maybe you have new things to redecorate your room with. Maybe you just can't wait to see that one friend. Whatever you're excited about, you cannot wait until move in day.
2. Happiness
You made it to campus, safe and with all your things intact, and you've finally settled in. Whether it took you a few minutes or a few hours, as you sit in the dorms surrounded by your friends, you are so happy to be here.
3. Confusion
Whether it comes with your morning alarm disturbing the sleep routine you developed over the break or when you walk into a classroom and think about where to sit, you're a bit confused. It's too early to be back here, right?
4. Boredom
As the syllabus is discussed in fine detail, you find your attention slipping away. Is this really important? Do we need to talk about the final paper right now? Isn't that months away?
5. Dread
As the discussion about finals gets longer and longer, you feel a sense of panic rising inside. Is the semester really that short? Is my first assignment really due next week? Do we really need to be talking about finals week right now?!
6. Hopelessness
As the textbooks, syllabi and assignments begin to pile up, you already have given up on the semester. What's the point? I'm already behind in the grand scheme of things.
7. Peace
You might not be here yet, but there will come a point when everything settles and you're in for the ride. Spring Semester will take you where it will, whether it's your first or your last. Just be sure to enjoy it while it lasts.