As a student you usually don't have much extra spending money. You may have to turn down going out to eat or to the movies, or even a party because you can't afford the $5 cover. This totally sucks to stay in while everyone else is out together, but there are ways to avoid this. If you are a full time student you may not be able to juggle a full time or part time job as well, but there are other options for making money. Here are seven easy ways to make some extra cash to pay your student debt, or for that $5 cover.
1. Take a trip to Platos Closet.
Platos Closet is a great store that buys and sells clothing, accessories, shoes, purses etc. Go through your closet, your dresser, everything, bag it up and head to Platos Closet. They give you cash on the spot for the items they want to purchase from you.
2. Sell your stuff on eBay.
Websites like eBay and Craig's List are great ways to sell any item. You can sell a car, clothing, furniture, technology, almost anything on these sites. This option is a bit more time consuming than Platos Closet, but you can sell your items for the price you chose, and you can sell more than just clothing. After your items sells, pack the item up and send it to the buyer.
3. Babysit children.
Babysitting is an easy way to make some extra money, you can be an occasional sitter if you can't commit to a part time job. Current babysitting rates range from $10-$20 hour, so a date night for the parents would give you a fair amount of cash. Print out a flyer and put it in neighbors mailboxes, or join a site such as to find jobs.
4. Pet sit for neighbors.
If kids aren't your favorite try pet sitting for people in your community. Walk dogs, or check in on them while their owners are on vacation. There are pages on Facebook and community apps such as Next-door, where these jobs are posted regularly.
5. Make something to sell.
Make something great and sell it on Etsy. Its easy to start a store and get your product out there. Once your item sells you get payed and ship out your item.
6. Become an Uber driver.
If you're 21 years or older with a clean background check you can get a job driving for Uber. You must have a four door car made in 2001 or sooner, and a clean driving record. With this job you can pick your hours, working as early or as late as you want. Stay in on Saturday night and drive drunk people around for a few hours and make a couple hundred bucks easy.
7. Be a delivery driver.
If you are not old enough to drive for uber, or just don't like people try driving for services like Order Up or Uber Eats. Again, you choose your hours, and get payed to pick up someone's take out and bring it to them.