In an age of unhealthy fad diets, consumer-driven fitness trends, expensive "power foods" and greater accessibility to ridiculous "body goals," it can be hard to stick to a healthy routine. One person will tell you that doing this is healthy, and another person will tell you something completely different. Also, people often forget that there's a mental component to health, which is just as important as the physical aspect. Here are seven simple ways to not only have a healthier body, but also a healthier state of mind.
1. Drink more water.
Did you know experts recommend that people drink 64 ounces of water per day, which is eight cups or four standard (16-oz.) bottles? Since almost every bodily process requires water, there are really only positive things linked with drinking more water: less fatigue, healthier skin, less aches and pains, and an overall better mood. If you're one of those people that needs a little flavor, then adding fruit to your water is an easy fix!
2. Make sure you're getting enough.
It's no secret that sleep is the best way for your body to recharge. Of course there will be some occasions where getting the daily recommended amount of sleep just isn't possible, but you should try to make sure you're getting seven to nine hours of sleep every night. By doing this, you should have enough energy to not just make it through each day, but to be your most productive and lively self every day!
3. Devote at least 30 minutes per day to exercising.
Exercising is not only good for your body, but also for your mind. There is actually a lot of truth in the practice of "going for a run to clear your head." When you exercise, your body reduces its production of the stress hormone, cortisol, reducing your overall stress level. Especially, if you're a student or someone with a high-paced work environment, then this little bit of exercise can be essential to keeping your sanity. You can even engage in whatever level of activity you prefer: walking, jogging, running, bicycling, rollerskating, whatever you feel comfortable with!
4. Don't deprive yourself of food, especially the foods you love.
So many people believe that eating small amounts of food will help them be healthier, but this is not true. Your body needs nutrients from food in order to function properly, and if you're not eating enough, then you'll also be more irritable and have noticeably less energy. You don't necessarily need to eat less in order to be healthy, you just need to eat the right things, like fruits and vegetables rather than chips and candy. However, this doesn't mean you have to cut out sweets entirely. In fact, the longer you deprive your body of the foods it loves, your body will just crave it more, causing you to pig out. Just limit your sweets intake. Since we often mindlessly just eat more than we really need to when we out of the original container, just take a small portion and put it in a bowl or on a plate instead of eating directly out of the box/bag/carton, so you're fully in control of how much you're eating.
5. Stop stepping on the scale.
Just because the scale doesn't move doesn't mean you're not making progress! We become so obsessed with trying to reach a target weight that we lose sight of how much unseen improvements we're making every day. Exercising or eating healthy does so much more than just make your weight fluctuate; it improves your respiratory system, your digestive system, helps you think clearer and makes you feel better in general. I've always struggled with my weight and I can genuinely say that I lost the most weight when I stopped stepping on the scale every day and just went by how I felt. Everyone is made differently, so there is no, one number or weight that determines whether you're healthy or not. To quote the Goo Goo Dolls, "What you feel is what you are!"
6. "Unplug" for a little bit every day.
Nowadays, the Internet and social media are filled with negativity. Every time I turn on the news or go on Twitter, I see something about another rape, another murder, another terrorist attack, another tragedy and the list goes on. Then, there's also pictures every where of a beach that you're not on, or a person with a ridiculously fit body that you don't have, causing you to subconsciously feel inferior even if things are going pretty well for you. Spare yourself the emotional toll and spend a little bit of each day away from technology and engage in something you enjoy. I can assure you that you'll feel much more relaxed after spending some time listening to music, reading a book, drawing or watching the sunset than you would feel after scrolling through social media for 20 minutes.
7. Stay positive!
Don't let the little things in life drag you down! Your diet isn't ruined if someone brings donuts to work and you have one. Your life isn't over if you get one bad exam grade. Your day isn't ruined if you spill something on yourself on your way to work or class. Instead of looking at these little things as setbacks, use them as motivation to make your day better, proving that you can overcome whatever life throws your way!
Any other ways you live a happy and healthy life? Share them!