Self-care isn't always expensive bath bombs and $20 face masks. Sometimes it's the most simple acts that will help your mind and body. I know what it's like to have my mental illness completely drain me, so here are some of my tried and true methods for taking care of yourself.
1. Take a shower.
As simple as it may sound, showering and washing your face/hair will really help. Even if you're just going to continue to lay in bed all day, a warm shower will be relaxing and you'll feel cleaner.
2. Drink water!
I have a 24 oz. water bottle that I bring with me, and every morning I fill it up and make it a goal to empty it by the end of the day. Hydration is more important than you realize. It clears your skin, reduces headaches, and flushes out toxins.
3. Eat something!
If you sink yourself into your work, you might forget to replenish your body. Something as small as an apple or a snack bag of pretzels will keep your energy up and your blood sugar won't plummet (which is always a plus)!
4. Let yourself have downtime.
Even if you have a ton of assignments and you feel like everything is piling on top of you at once, just breathe. I learned that if you inhale for five seconds, hold it in for five seconds, and exhale for five seconds, it forces your heart rate to go down, which makes you calmer (even if it's only a little bit). Also, don't be afraid to distract yourself for a few minutes by checking Twitter or Snapchat, or just letting yourself zone out for a bit.
5. Take care of your skin.
Laying in bed for 2 days straight in a depressive episode will not help your skin. Before bed, take about ten minutes to wash your face, put lotion on, apply any medication for your skin, etc. This will prepare you for bed and, eventually, you'll settle into a daily skincare routine.
6. Busy yourself.
I like to work with crossword puzzles, sudoku, and coloring books. If you've been sitting in your room all day and you feel unaccomplished, a simple brain game can get you thinking and being active.
7. Remember your worth.
The final (and most important) tip is to just remember that you are loved. There have been days where my mental illness has made me feel like less than nothing. Always know that you have a support system of your friends and family behind you, and it will get better.