7 Life Lessons '7th Heaven' Has Taught Me
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7 Life Lessons '7th Heaven' Has Taught Me

Love will find you eventually, and it will be worth all the heartbreak.

7 Life Lessons '7th Heaven' Has Taught Me

Recently, I started binge watching one of my old favorite shows--7th Heaven. I remember being little, forcing myself to wake up by 9 am every Saturday just so I could watch reruns of old episodes. I don't know why I loved it so much then, or why I've enjoyed it so much again since. But, I do know that there are some great life lessons that can be learned from this late 90's, early 2000's drama. Here are a few small truths I learned from re-watching one of my old favorite shows.

1. Family is important. Obviously, being a family show, this point is driven across episode after episode. But, there are so many examples of this over and over again. The way the kids are loyal to each other, the way they all constantly tell each other how much they love each other. When Mary's life starts spiraling out of control, they surround her with tough love. It emphasizes family and all the imperfections, hilarity, and love that comes with it.

2. You can do anything you set your mind to. Mary had no idea what she wanted to be or what she wanted to do. Once her basketball scholarship fell through, she had no idea what to do or where to go. She jumped from job to job until she finally landed on flight attendant. Which may not be everyone's dream job, but it was her's. And Matt finally decided on med school. And Lucy decided to follow in her father's footsteps and become a minister. They all had dreams. And they all followed them and fought for them and reached them.

3. It's okay to doubt God, and it's okay to question Him, and yourself. Eric, the father and a minister, questioned God. He had a heart attack and eventually had open heart surgery, and he wasn't sure where God was in all that. He even walked away from his career briefly, took some time to find himself. But, he eventually admits he's lost and needs help. And if a minister--a person people think of as having it all together--can do that, why can't everyone? God can handle the doubts and questioning--because He's God.

4. Mothers are life's real superheros. Seriously, Annie is a superhero. She raises seven kids and manages the family finances on a minister's salary. She even goes back to school at one point, teaches for a while, and even starts a business at one point. She has multiple degrees and is highly educated. She manages it all, in a surprisingly calm manner.

5. Everyone messes up, and it's not the end of the world. Eric is a minister, and he's nowhere near perfect. In fact, there's an entire episode devoted to his inner thoughts, and the things going on his head are not always the nicest. Mary's life spirals out of control and it takes her a while to get it back in order. Lucy tries so hard to be perfect, but she messes up almost every episode. All the kids, and the adults, mess up. But, they are all forgiven and move on.

6. Kindness is the most important thing you can give someone. Mary's old boyfriend Robbie ends up homeless. And despite his rocky past and their questionable history, the Camdens take him in and give him a home. He turns his life around, and eventually, he becomes a part of the family. And all because they showed him a little kindness.

7. Love will find you eventually, and it will be worth all the heartbreak. Matt dates so many girls, two of which everyone thought he'd marry but doesn't. But, he eventually finds Sarah. Mary jumps from guy to guy, and finally finds someone who we all hope will last. Lucy falls for a guy who breaks her heart twice. She falls for Andrew who leaves her for a girl he got pregnant while in Europe. She regrets not dating her best friend she deserved. She was engaged and then broke it off. She liked Robbie, and Jordan, and so many other guys. But she keeps getting her heart broken, over and over, by guy after guy, and by herself. Until Kevin walks in. They meet unexpectedly, unconventionally, but they fall for each other. He loves her, despite her crazy, no, because of her crazy, and her random jealousy. He pursues her gently and patiently and kindly--the way girls deserve to be pursued. And she finally finds the guy she deserves and loves--the one that made all the other heartbreaks worth it.

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