The beginning of school is upon us and that means that for many, the time has come to battle for spots in the parking lot. Finding a good parking spot is like finding Bigfoot, it requires patience, skill, cunning... and it's all a big waste of time. If you have to drive to get to school then you've either seen or become one or more of the people on this list.
1. The Speedster
You half expect a line of police cars to be following behind this guy based on the way he drives. Why does he need to go 40 mph in a parking lot? How can he even go 40 mph in a parking lot? Everywhere they go is a car chase scene straight out of a movie.They drive like they're in NASCAR all the time and you have no idea how they don't get into wrecks the second they start moving.
2. The Slowpoke
On the complete opposite end of the spectrum you have the slowpoke. Whereas the speedster doesn't seem to have brakes installed on their cars, the slowpokes are constantly stopping or cruising along at the minimal speed their cars are capable of traveling. They are the car equivalent of people on the sidewalk shuffling along at a zombies pace only worse because you can at least go around those people most of the time. In the often cramped spaces of UNT's parking lots, if you get stuck behind a slowpoke, you'll be stuck following them 'til the end of time.
3. The Hunter
During the first week back when people actually come to class or during other special events that block off precious parking spaces for event parking, the hunters emerge. They circle the lots over and over hoping to catch someone as they leave so they can pounce on their spot. If you've ever had a late morning class you've most likely had to unleash the predator within to fight for prime parking spaces, lest you spend another 10 minutes waiting for someone to leave and you're already 10 minutes late.
4. The Traveler
Some people want to take a less aggressive approach to parking and don't want to waste time fighting over the few spaces up close and will try to find something farther back. No farther. No seriously keep going. Even more. Almost there. Wait you left Denton, come back! OK stop! Perfect you found a spot. Now just spend 20 minutes walking to class. Now you can catch all those pidgeys while you walk to keep you company. It sucks but look on the bright side, at least you get in your exercise for the day.
5.The Early Bird
You know the saying: the early bird gets the worm, or in this case the parking spot. This person may have the misfortune of waking up before the sun does, but they get their choice of parking spaces so that's worth it right? Wrong! That was a trick question because nothing is worth getting up before the sun rises. On the other hand some people just like being up that early in the morning and they use this bizarre trait to their advantage.
6. The Noper
The noper is someone who just isn't felling it today. They're going to take one look at a lot that's jam packed, with a third of the lot reserved for a brunch bonanza and think to themselves "Yeah I could go through that mess or just go home and watch Netflix." Who needs to go to class when you already have smart decision making skills?
7. The Lottery Winner
This is how legends are born. It's test day and you overslept because you forgot to set your alarm. You ran into traffic, construction work, a wild group of bears, but you've finally made it. The test starts in five minutes and the lot is filled to the brim with Hunters and Speedsters vying for control of the lot. You pull in, resigned to your grim fate when suddenly it happens. The heavens part and a beacon of light shines in front you and lo and behold, you see a parking space open up right before your eyes! The very first spot in the very first row is yours for the taking and you didn't have to even break a sweat. Congratulations! Just know that everyone else looking for a spot now hates you forever.