Live a positive life. Live a happy one, and be yourself while living it. Remember these 7 phrases and carry them with you.
1. “Teeth are always in style.”
There are so many styles and trends that come and go. Acid wash jeans, chokers, plaid skirts and the list goes on. Something that will NEVER go out of style is a smile. The simplicity of a smile can turn someone’s day from dreadful to delightful in seconds. The world will be a better place if people start smiling at each other more often, I’m confident in that. It is so much more attractive, and will improve your mood and confidence. Plus, it’s contagious! So spread those pearly whites because “you’re never fully dressed without a smile!”
2. “To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.”
We are all just mere individuals living in a world populated with 7.4 billion, give or take. That many people and sometimes we just need one. Sometimes we have those days where we feel like nobody is on our side and nobody cares to be. But in the crowd of 7.4 billion there is someone who understands, someone who is there for you, someone who wants to know you, and someone who already does and adores you. Give everybody a fair chance. Because everybody deserves one and nobody deserves to fall short of it. Appreciate those who love you and dissociate from the ones who don’t. Surround yourself only with the ones who make you feel gladness, because everybody deserves that.
3. “You’ll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut.”
4. “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory.”
“You don’t know what you got till it’s gone.” These are the truthful lyrics that we enjoy singing along to for the rhythm, but when’s the last time you actually stopped to think what the lyrics are saying? In the moment, we tend to take things for granted. Sometimes we fail to look around, embrace the moment and be grateful for what we have. We get so caught up in the chaos of what’s next, where we’re going, and even what happened yesterday. What we should really be doing is living in the now. Because we only get that ‘now’ once. Some of the most valuable, precious moments we experience can slip right through our hands and not be appreciated to the fullest, until the moment is gone and becomes a recollection.
5. “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”
This can be a tough concept to remember. This is one of my weaknesses. I often find myself reminiscing on things that happened in the past and become devastated that I won’t have them back. But I fail to remember that more memories are coming my way. There is no room to be caught up in the fact that we won’t have our old memories back, the only thing we can do is be happy that they happened, and remember them in a cheerful light. We were so lucky for them to have happened to us, and fortunate for more to occur in the future. Instead of taking up space with melancholy for the times we won’t get back, we should make room and look forward to even better ones.
6. “Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.”
The next time you feel deflated or exhausted by the fact that you aren't good enough at something, good enough for someone, or good enough to do what you aspire to do, remember that you are the best at being you and nobody can be better at it. It’s as simple as that.
7. “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”
This one is simply my favorite. The ways you choose to express yourself and show the world who you are should reflect how you truly feel. You should not tip-toe around your beliefs, feelings, passions, or anything that makes you you. We were all given unique qualities and we are all different, so what is there to judge? Put your true self out there, because there’s no one else like it. So rock your favorite outfit, speak your mind, and listen to those songs you love that people label as “guilty pleasures” but shouldn’t be guilty- they are perfectly-innocent-ballads you love to sing as loud as you can. Spread your beliefs, share your feelings and be proud of your passions with the ones who matter. After all, that’s what life is for. So be yourself and only yourself, because the ones who judge aren't important enough, and the ones who are important enough won’t judge.