The 7 Day Self-Love Challenge | The Odyssey Online
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The 7 Day Self-Love Challenge

"I challenge you to love yourself unconditionally for one week."

The 7 Day Self-Love Challenge
Serkan Göktay

I challenge you to love yourself unconditionally for one week. I get it, life gets super crazy and hectic but that doesn't mean you should forget about taking care of you. After all, you are what is most important. So use this one week to truly appreciate who you are, inside and out.

1. Compliment yourself every day when you look in the mirror.

Instead of picking away at all of the things that you are insecure about. Notice your beauty and tell yourself you love it. Whether it's repeating to yourself every day that you are beautiful/handsome or that you are intelligent or that you love yourself. It can be physical or mental but be positive, you'd be surprised how much of an impact it can have on you in the long run.

2. Treat yourself.

There has to be something that you've been wanting for awhile but have abstained from because it was 'too expensive' or you could be 'spending it on something else'. Get those pair of sneakers that you've been eyeing for the past month or that dress that makes you feel amazing when ever you try it on. Pick one thing this week that you've been dying to have or eat, whatever it may be and allow yourself to have it.

3. Listen to your body and take care of yourself.

Make sure you are drinking plenty of water each day. Take the vitamins or medications you need to keep you healthy. Also, make sure that you are getting enough rest and if you aren't to start managing your time to allow you to do that. This can apply not just physically but mentally too. If you've been having negative thoughts that you don't normally have, reach out to someone or consider a therapist to aid you. Take this week to listen to your body and mind. You are #1 priority. If you don't have your health, you can't do much.

4. Write down three things you love about yourself.

When you do, put that note in your purse or pocket. Look at it before you go to bed or when you wake up in the morning. And whenever you are feeling negative about yourself, look at that note. Remind yourself that you are one of a kind.

5. Say 'No'.

If you are the type of person who tends to say yes to anyone when they ask for favors or help, allow yourself to say no. If you don't want to take Tom to the train station at 6 am, then don't. You are not obligated to do anything because guess what? This week is all about things that YOU want to do and hopefully it's something you will carry on doing.

6. Put aside time in your day to stay off your electronics.

I know that I am not the only one who has their phone glued to their hands but take the time to put it down. It could be an hour day or even a whole day if you want. It's nice to not think about what everyone else is doing and just completely focus on you. It gives you the time to appreciate what's around you and how fortunate you are.

7. Dedicate at least one day to doing whatever you enjoy.

Whether it's going to the gym and sweating it out or taking yoga classes because they calm your soul, then go ahead. If it's reading a good book curled up in bed or watching horror movies all day, do it! This is the one day that you can do whatever you feel like doing without any worry. Cut yourself a break.

This doesn't have to be just a one-week thing, keep it going. You are powerful, fierce, and unstoppable. Implementing these little things weekly will not only build your confidence and self-esteem but will also bring positivity into your life.

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