So, you're ready for your interview?
Let's make sure how meet all of these factors, then we'll see how ready you really are.
Do you have a LinkedIn account? Is it updated?
LinkedIn is a fast, professional and efficient way to get in touch with your interviewer(s) prior to and post interview. They can see from that point that you are present in the LinkedIn service and able and willing to connect.
Have you edited your resume recently?
One page.
Bulleted descriptions.
Clear and concise.
Clear and relevant titles.
Updated contact information.
No typos.
For more information, visit career development centers on campuses, or visit Purdue Owl
Got references?
More than likely, you will be asked for reference letters in person, or names and contact information of people whom are your references. Make sure to check in with professionals before putting their names in on every interview you take, but make sure that you have credible references readily available when asked.
Do you know your strengths and weaknesses?
Guaranteed, in some way or another, you will be asked to share your strengths and weaknesses and the ways in which you use them/learn from them. Even if you are not asked that question directly, be ready to embellish yourself and talk about the skills you believe you have and the ways in which you are seeking to grow. This ensures the interviewer that you are ready and willing to not only better their organization, but also learn from your experiences with them.
Are you ready to ask questions to your interviewer?
"Are there any questions you have for me (us) or about the company?"
Heaven forbid you sit there, pretend to ponder, and proceed to say, "no, I don't think that I do". Interviewers need to know and are testing you to see if you have done your research and if you have been retentive to what they have said during the interview. DO NOT go in empty handed. Have a handful of questions ready before you go into the interview, and in addition, ask questions based on what they talked about during the interview itself.
It's amazing the types of conversations that can stir through questions and answers proceeding the interview.
Is your handshake firm?
And DO NOT look away from the person you're shaking hands with! I could not believe when a colleague of mine asked if I practice making eye contact when I shake someone's hands. It may sound like a no-brainer, but make certain that you are looking into the person's eyes that you are shaking hands with. It embarks on a trustworthy, attentive and confident persona on your end.
Is your social media professionally sound?
It's not like you can't post pictures of your 21st birthday party as if it never happened. But if your social media is bombarded by your college partying side with little to no quality pictures indicating some of your professional aspirations, you should look to include some of that content.
Keep on keeping on, and continue to update, edit, re-edit and pursue professionalism in the field.
Best of luck!