7 Country Songs That Capture Small Town Living | The Odyssey Online
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7 Country Songs That Capture Small Town Living

7 Country Songs That Capture Small Town Living

1. "Everybody We Know Does" by Chase Rice

This anthem truly captures what type of life is normal in a small town. Even though people from the city don’t understand the small town way of life, it just comes natural to us. Every day we get up and work hard but when Friday comes, we live it up because “everybody we know does.”

2. "Small Town USA" by Justin Moore

“A lot of people called it prison when I was growing up” is the opening lyrics to Small Town USA. Anyone who grew up in a small town will likely agree that sometimes they felt trapped. Throughout high school, I lost count of how many times I heard my friends say they couldn’t wait to get out. Fortunately now that we’re older and have experienced life outside of those city limit signs, we have become proud of where we came from and we “wouldn’t trade one single day here in small town USA.”

3. "Learned It From The Radio" by Thomas Rhett

This song in general describes life growing up in a small town. The opening lyrics are “How to be proud of that town ain’t nobody heard of” and since most of the time growing up in a small town was spent driving on backroads listening to the radio, we learned many life lessons.

4. "Carolina Can" by Chase Rice

In this song, Chase Rice sings about the crazy course his life has taken since leaving home but when life get hectic he remembers where his heart is and that puts him at ease. When life becomes tough, sometimes all we need is a little reminder of who we are and where we came from.

5. "These Are My People" by Rodney Atkins

The friends you have back home are the people who have been by your side from the beginning. While you may make friends away from home, the people you grew up with are “your people.” They will always be more like family, rather than just your friends.

6. "Parking Lot Party" by Lee Brice

So there’s never much to do in a small town. Growing up, you had to be resourceful and make your own fun. In my hometown, we hosted “Parking Lot Parties” practically every summer night where anyone could show up at the empty parking lot in the middle of town and just hang out. This song is all about relaxing with your good friends and just having a good time.

7. "The House That Built Me" by Miranda Lambert

“The House That Built Me” is all about what made you who you are. Growing up in a small town, you spent your entire life in the same place with the same people. But as soon as that was gone, the overwhelming sense of loneliness caused you to feel empty inside. “I thought if I could touch this place or feel it, this brokenness inside me might start healing.” It’s easy to lose yourself trying to create a new life on your own but sometimes just going back home can remind you to stay grounded.
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